

05(110-111年) 41單元/ 1,450題。04(109-107年) 65單元/ 2,240題 。03(106-104年) 65單元/ 2,230題。02(103-100年) 83單元/2,940題。01(99~91年) 84單元/ 4,030題


(1) 中央警察大學學士班二年制技術系入學考試 。行政警察學系刑事警察學系 112年111-110年109~105年106~104年103~100年99~91年
(2) 公務人員特種考試關務人員考試。各科別03三等&04四等&05五等 112年03。112年04。112年05。111-110年109~105年106~104年103~100年99~91年
(3) 公務人員特種三等考試~01民航人員/02國際經濟商務人員 112年01。112年02A。112年02B。111-110年109~105年106~104年103~100年99~91年
(4) ◎01公務人員特種考試司法人員三等考試司法官檢察事務官偵查實務組公證人
(5) 公務人員特種考試~外交領事/行政人員。03A三等04A四等
(6) 國軍上校以上軍官轉任上校轉任考試。01少將轉任02中將轉任03上校轉任 111-110年109~105年106~104年103~100年99~91年
(7) 特種考試警察人員考試~三等〈3A中華民國憲法與警察專業英文〉〈3B中華民國憲法與消防警察專業英文〉〈3C中華民國憲法與水上警察專業英文〉四等〈4A中華民國憲法與警察專業英文〉〈4B中華民國憲法與消防警察專業英文〉〈4C中華民國憲法與水上警察專業英文〉
(8) 交通事業郵政人員員級晉高員級交通事業電信升資鐵路考試。各類別 111-110年109~105年106~104年103~100年99~91年
(9) 專門職業及技術人員高等考試。專利師 111-110年109~105年106~104年103~100年99~91年
(10) 公務人員升官等簡任/關務人員簡任考試。各類科 112年111-110年109~105年106~104年103~100年99~91年
(11) 公務人員特種考試移民行政人員三等考試。移民行政 112年111-110年109~105年106~104年103~100年99~91年
(12) 專門職業及技術人員普通考試 。01外語導遊人員。02外語領隊人員 112年01。112年02。111-110年109~105年106~104年103~100年99~91年





1.I’ll like the mixed green salad.What kind of[ ]do you have?

2.Tourists may[ ]themselves in the city if there is a giant map at the exit of each MRT station in Taipei.

3.[ ]all COVID-19 restrictions lifted, overseas visitors to Taiwan won’t be required to undergo any kind of quarantine.

4.Foreigners without an ROC(Taiwan)Resident Certificate are required to[ ]an Arrival Card.

(A)check in(B)fill in(C)settle down(D)look after
5.Guabao, a steamed sandwich,[ ]a hamburger that has a soft white bun filled with braised pork,pickled vegetables, peanut powder, and cilantro.

6.Tomorrow morning, Clement will fly from Taoyuan International Airport and stop in Istanbul[ ]to his country, Nigeria.

(A)en masse(B)bon voyage(C)bon mot(D)en route
7.She is now looking for[ ]airline tickets in order to return to her homeland soon.

8.When traveling abroad, you should carefully choose the money changers to[ ]currencies.

9.A day to Yilan is the ideal holiday[ ]for you to stay away from the frenetic pace of life in Taipei.

10.[ ]you have any questions regarding the loss of your wallet and passport abroad, feel free to contact us anytime during office hours.

11.You must remain seated while the fasten-seat-belt signals are[ ]during turbulence.

12.Most premium airlines provide passengers with superior levels of comfort, seats,[ ], and luggage management.

13.Do I need to dial the international[ ]while making a call abroad?

(A)zip code(B)barcode(C)QR code(D)area code
14.Most foreigners find Taipei summertime intolerable because the majority of summer days are[ ].

15.After days of nonstop rain, it finally[ ]today.

(A)lay up(B)lay on(C)let up(D)let on
16.Simply give our customer service a call, and we will gladly[ ]your trips to match any particular requirements or interests you may have.

17.Yingge District in New Taipei City has been renowned for its[ ]for a long time, but recently,tourists have realized that this area offers so much more.

18.You can’t call a trip to Tainan complete without tasting the city’s two breakfast[ ]: milkfish congee and beef soup.

19.[ ]beef may seem like a great choice for holidays and other special occasions, some research suggests it may not be the healthiest option.

20.The Duomo di Milano in Italy has over 3,400 sculptures, making it the place with the most[ ]the world.

21.In many countries, it is customary to leave a[ ]while dining out.

22.It is not uncommon to find street[ ]selling tasty and inexpensive food on the streets in Taiwan.

23.[ ]tourism is a sort of tourism in which tourists visit locations where they may learn family history and develop family connections.

24.Most tour guides earn[ ]on sales in addition to their base salary.

25.To compensate for the loss of foreign tourists caused by COVID-19 restrictions, Taiwanese travel businesses have shifted[ ]towards domestic trips.

26.The Dragon Boat Festival[ ]Qu-Yuan, an old poet who drowned himself when a ruler ignored his advice.

27.People in Taiwan like eating shaved ice with fruit or other delicious[ ].

28.Taiwan’s[ ]shows have reached a new level of creativity and artistic excellence through the hard work of the Huang family in Yuenlin.

(A)figurine(B)dragon dancing(C)beehive(D)puppet
29.Much of Taiwan’s natural beauty and wealth are[ ]on the east coast of the island.

30.A: Does your restaurant supply a continental breakfast?

B:[ ]
(A)We serve it from 6:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m.(B)Yes, it is. (C)Yes, we do, and it’s served in a buffet style.(D)It costs $9.99 for adults and is free for children under 12.
31.A: How does Mexican cuisine taste?

B:[ ]
(A)Taco and burrito(B)It has a spicy and heavy flavor.(C)I like it medium(D)It has a lot of different fillings.
32.A: Can I use my EasyCard to rent YouBikes?

B:[ ]
(A)Yes, it can be purchased at any convenience store.(B)It costs 5 dollars for the first 30 minutes. (C)Yes, you can use it on subways, buses and YouBikes.(D)Yes, it’s easy and convenient to ride a YouBike.
33.A: I’m Emily Smith in 316.I’m checking out.

B:[ ]
(A)Very good.The invoice is included(B)I’ll be right over, Ms.Smith. (C)Can I pay with a traveler’s check?(D)Just one moment.I’ll check on you later.
34.A: I love this breeze.

B:[ ]
(A)Is there a tornado coming?(B)I didn’t know that. (C)I agree that a stuffy day would be best for an outing.(D)And it is cool.It is neither too hot nor too cold.
35.A: You’ve traveled to Europe before.B:

(A)Maybe.Where would you like to visit?(B)Yes, that’s true.Do you want to go on a trip? (C)How much time do you want to spend?(D)I appreciate your curiosity.
36.A: Have you had any issues renewing your visa?

B:[ ]
(A)Good idea, I’m ready(B)No, nothing worked out for me.(C)Yes, I’d like to find a dealer(D)Not yet.
37.The doctor wrote me a/an[ ].I need to get it filled at the pharmacy.

38.Usually a[ ]passenger will change from one plane to another and stop over at a midpoint for at most 24 hours before continuing the next journey.

39.All our VIP customers will receive a[ ]bottle of wine without charge.

40.If passengers have anything that needs to be declared, they should go through[ ].

(A)Quarantine(B)Airport Terminals(C)Transit Lounges(D)Customs
41.Sir, we need your[ ]for a confirmed and guaranteed reservation.

42.Every time when I fly to London, I get serious[ ].It makes me uneasy.

(A)jet lag(B)intention(C)occasion(D)affection
43.Niagara Falls is an impressive natural wonder, and I enjoy its[ ]view.

44.Only when David was stopped by a policeman for drunk driving did he realize that his passport had[ ]and he was forced to return home.

45.We have been committed to delivering the best service and are always working to conduct business[ ]as smoothly as possible.

46.If you are not completely satisfied with our product, you can return it for a full[ ].

47.In the travel[ ], you’ll find information about tours, itineraries, maps, discounts and coupons,or package holidays.

48.Mineral fields used to be a marvelous scenic spot but it has lost its[ ]in recent years.

49.The salespersons[ ]that their organic foods do not have preservatives.

50.You need to[ ]your flight 72 hours prior to departure directly with the airline or simply checkin online at the applicable airline’s website.

51.Designed by British architects, the hotel can[ ]more than 700 people.

52.A: Good afternoon.May I help you?

B: We have been waiting in the[ ]for one and a half hours, but some of our group members still can’t find their luggage.
(A)departure lounge(B)boarding gate(C)baggage claim area(D)the immigration counter
53.Tourist: I’d like to make a long distance call to New York.

Hotel Clerk: Yes.[ ]
Tourist: Yes, I would.
(A)Would you mind holding for a moment?(B)Can you put me through to Peter Scott? (C)I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number(D)Would you like to make a direct-dial call?
54.Tourist : Could you tell me the international country code for France, please?

Hotel Clerk:[ ]
(A)33 is the country calling code assigned to France. (B)There is no one by Tom Dunkley registered at this hotel. (C)I will transfer your call to Albert’s room.(D)Would you like to leave a message?
55.Information Desk Clerk: Are you lost?How may I help you?

Tourist:[ ]
(A)I’d like to order take-out here.(B)A one-way ticket to Chicago, please. (C)Please show me how to get to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.(D)I’m very much obliged to you.
56.Passenger[ ]:

John: Two dollars one way, three dollars round trip.
(A)How often do the buses run?(B)What’s the bus fare to The Metropolitan Museum of Art? (C)How much do I owe you?(D)What’s the charge of the express package?
57.Flight attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, soon we will be landing at O’Hare International Airport.Please fasten your seat belts and observe the[ ]sign.

(A)No Spitting(B)No Parking(C)No Admittance(D)No Smoking
58.Patient[ ]:

Pharmacist: The directions are in the medicine bag.Read them carefully before you use it.
(A)How much is the medicine?(B)How long have you been to the clinic? (C)How often do I have to go to the clinic?(D)How many times a day should I take this?
59.Doctor: What are the[ ]?

Tiffany: Well, I have an upset stomach.I also have a cold and fever.
60.Doctor: Hello, Janet.What seems to be the problem?

Janet: I[ ]well since I joined a tour group last Monday. (A)didn’t feel(B)hadn’t been feeling(C)haven’t been feeling(D)haven’t been felt
61.A[ ]is someone who is employed in a hotel to help guests arrange things, such as local tours,theatre tickets and restaurant reservations.

(A)concierge(B)security guard(C)maintenance worker(D)maid
62.Before going abroad, you need to understand the current exchange rates and have some New Taiwan dollars[ ]into U.S.dollars.

(A)convert(B)converting(C)to convert(D)converted
63.If you are not hungry, we can order one meal and share it.The[ ]are very big.

64.Today’s special is steamed fish.You can[ ]the lemon and salt on the fish.

65.The plastic vegetable leaves on the plate are for decoration only.They are not[ ].

66.Waiter:[ ]

Guest: Medium-well, please.
(A)May I show you the dessert menu?(B)Would you like more? (C)What would you like to order, sir?(D)How would you like your steak cooked?
67.Attendant: Oh, I’m afraid your bag has exceeded the maximum baggage[ ], so you’ll have to pay the excess fare.Mr.Brown: Oh, right.

68.Customs[ ]:

Vincent: I’m visiting some friends and relatives.
(A)How long do you plan to stay?(B)Where will you be staying? (C)Have you got anything to declare?(D)What’s the purpose of your visit?
69.Ladies and gentlemen, please be careful while opening the overhead[ ]as any items stowed inside might fall out, and take all your personal belongings with you.

70.Hotel clerk: How may I help you?

Guest: Yes.Could you tell me about your hotel[ ]?
Hotel clerk: We have a bar, a gym, a swimming pool, tennis courts and a buffet restaurant.Guest: Great.Thanks for the information.

  In the past few years, most major airlines have announced their plans to use commercial electric airplanes.Travelers can soon travel to different places via an electric aircraft.Take United Airlines for example.They will offer fossil fuel-free domestic flights by 2026.In addition, Sweden and Denmark also declared their plans to use fossil fuel-free electric-powered airplanes by 2030.Electric air travel(i.e.traveling with an electric-powered aircraft)is going mainstream.There are various methods to supply electricity; however, the most common way is to use batteries.
  The climate crisis has been worsening these past few years.One of the major contributors to this environmental problem is air transportation.The aviation sector has released huge amounts of carbon dioxide(CO2)into the atmosphere every year.Unfortunately, airplanes are predicted to triple their CO2 emissions by 2050 if left unchecked now.
  Most major airlines have thus signed up to meet the targeted net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.Governments from many different countries are establishing policies to help protect the environment.Austria and France have enacted bans on short-haul domestic flights.In the United States of America, the government is also pushing to reduce CO2 emissions through clean-energy transportation.
  As presented, the use of small electric airplanes is the first step towards greener air travel.The development of larger electric planes may take several years.Still, you can expect to hear that electric air travel will be going mainstream in the coming years.
71.What is the main idea of the passage?

(A)As science develops, views of travel do not change. (B)Traveling with an electric-powered aircraft is going mainstream. (C)It does not suggest a different solution to a problem. (D)The climate crisis has been worsening these past few years.
72.According to the passage, what is the most common way to supply electricity?

(A)To use batteries(B)To use ocean thermal energy. (C)To use solar energy(D)To use wind energy.
73.Which of the following is true about commercial electric airplanes?

(A)United Airlines have announced that they will offer fossil fuel-free domestic flights by 2030. (B)Sweden and Denmark also declared their plans to use fossil fuel-free airplanes by 2026. (C)Air transportation is one of the major contributors to the worsening environmental problem. (D)The aviation sector has released huge amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere every year.
74.Which of the following is true about helping protect the environment?

(A)Austria and France have announced their plans to use electric air travel by 2030. (B)Sweden and Denmark have enacted bans on short-haul domestic flights. (C)Airplanes are predicted to double their CO2 emissions by 2050 if left unchecked now. (D)In the United States of America, the government is also pushing to reduce CO2 emissions through clean-energy transportation.
75.What is the advantage of electric air travel?

(A)It is cheaper.(B)Electric air travel is the first step towards greener air travel. (C)Electric air travel does not help reduce CO2 emissions.(D)It is faster.

  I was filled with excitement and awe as our vehicle jolted down the muddy paths of the wildlife reserve.Incredible creatures roamed the savannah, and the sceneries itself were some of the most stunning I’ve ever seen.
  Safari traveling is a thrilling and one-of-a-kind opportunity to take in the splendor and variety of the natural world.In order to see and photograph wild creatures in their natural environment, safari vacationers often visit an African wildlife reserve or national park.
  In my experience, seeing iconic and endangered animals like lions, elephants, and gorillas in theirnatural habitats is expected to be a staple of a safari vacation.My favorite part of the trip was getting to see a group of wild canine animals in their natural habitat.I’d never had such a good look at theseendangered creatures before.
  Aside from getting an up-close glimpse at the animals, tourists can receive insight into their habits and routines from knowledgeable guides on several safari programs that include guided drives within the park.Safaris sometimes involve more than just visits to zoos and sanctuaries to see animals; they often provide opportunities for hiking, birdwatching, and cultural immersion.
  Memories created on the safari journey will last a lifetime since it was truly once in a lifetime opportunity.I think a trip to Africa for a safari would be amazing if you have the chance to go.You won’t soon forget this incredible journey.
76.Which is NOT a reason why the author suggests going on a safari vacation?

(A)To achieve a serene vacation.(B)To discover the diversity of the natural world. (C)To see animals in their natural environment.(D)To observe some endangered creatures.
77.What does the word “jolted” mean?

78.What was the highlight of the author’s safari’s trip?

(A)He was surrounded by the most breathtaking landscapes he had ever seen. (B)He had the chance to see a pack of wild dogs up close. (C)He could experience the beauty and diversity of the natural world. (D)He could get close to some of the most famous and endangered animals in the world, like lions and gorillas.
79.According to this passage, what can tourists learn from these knowledgeable safari guides?

(A)They can learn about the animals’ behavior and habits. (B)They can learn about endangered animal species. (C)They can learn about several African wildlife sanctuaries. (D)They can get knowledge about the splendor of nature.
80.According to this passage, which of the following is NOT included in safari vacations besides animal sightings?

(A)Hiking(B)Observing birds(C)Animal breeding(D)Cultural encounters.




1.Flight attendant: Sir, please switch off your mobile phone as we are about to[ ].

(A)get rid of(B)put off(C)remove(D)take off
2.When the pressure drops in the cabin,[ ]masks will fall.

3.Flight attendant: Don’t inflate your life[ ]until you’ve left the plane in case of emergency.

4.Please remain[ ]until the “fasten seat belt” sign is switched off and the aircraft has come to a complete stop.

5.Could you please tell me where[ ]?

(A)has the departure gate(B)is the departure gate(C)the departure gate has(D)the departure gate is
6.A: Excuse me, I can’t find my baggage.B: Do you have your[ ]tag?

7.A:[ ]B: By credit card.

(A)Could I have a receipt?(B)How would you like to pay? (C)Is that before or after tax?(D)Where’s the cashier?
8.Normally, checked baggage will be delivered to the[ ]after the flight arrives depending on the priority and the position of baggage.

(A)carousel(B)ferris wheel(C)pirate ship(D)roller coaster
9.A: Do you have any dress[ ]?B: T-shirts, shorts and slippers are strictly prohibited.

10.Flight attendant: You seem to have some airsickness.B:[ ]

(A)Yes, airborne diseases are difficult to prevent.(B)Yes, do you have medicine for that? (C)Yes, effervescent formula offers fast-acting absorption.(D)Yes, today’s air quality is poor.
11.Gluten[ ]meal does not contain any gluten-based product.

12.To maintain your rights, please arrive at the airport three hours prior to your departure time for tax refund[ ].

13.Some hotel loyalty programs award elite members[ ]benefits after staying a certain number of nights.

14.Waiter: Good evening, Grand Restaurant, may I help you?Customer: I would like to[ ]a table for tonight.

15.Ladies and gentlemen, please[ ]your seat belts for landing.

16.Some pet-friendly hotels offer[ ]bags for walking your dog.

17.Airline[ ]programs are designed to encourage customers to collect points which may then be exchanged for air travel rewards.

18.Passengers arriving in Taiwan must fill out a health[ ]form.

19.The hotel offers easy[ ]to the National Palace Museum.

20.We missed the warning[ ]and that’s why the car accident happened.

21.[ ]Wi-Fi is available throughout the five-star hotel.

22.Tipping is[ ]across most of North America, with 15%-20% being seen as a reasonable amount.

23.Some prescription medications are[ ]in Taiwan.Authorities may jail or fine you if you have them.

24.The water in Sun Moon Lake is green and clear,[ ]the images of surrounding mountains and serene landscape.

25.Effective from October 13, 2022, Taiwan has[ ]the quarantine requirement for all arrivals, so arriving travelers will no longer be required to quarantine.

26.The night market was[ ]with many people during holidays.

27.Foreigners with a[ ]passport/travel document and whose stay in R.O.C does not exceed a period of 183 days are eligible to apply for a tax refund.

28.Muslim visitors to Taiwan will also find many restaurants and other[ ]available to cater to their dietary and religious needs.

(A)facilities(B)instruments(C)theme parks(D)tools
29.A: Shall we order a bottle of the house red?B:[ ]

(A)Yes, sausage is my favorite main course.(B)Yes, that’s my favorite side dish. (C)Yes, the house is painted in red.(D)Yes, today’s Pinot Noir goes well with steaks.
30.Bubble tea most commonly consists of tea accompanied by chewy[ ]balls(“boba” or “pearls”).

31.You can go to the Lost and Found Service Center for your[ ]items.

32.Police: How may I help you?Ann: I want to a[ ]crime.

33.Many Taipei’s patisseries offer[ ]dessert options designed to intrigue both Eastern and Western palates.

34.The online food delivery industry has a special relationship with users in a three-way structure that includes consumers, restaurants, and[ ].

35.Waiter: What would you like to have for your side dish?John:[ ].

(A)I’ll have French fries(B)Medium-rare please(C)Pecan pie please(D)Yes, please put it by my side
36.Hand luggage carried aboard aircraft by passengers must be within the following[ ]: length 56 cm, width 36 cm, height 23 cm.

37.Taipei 101 is one of the top tourist[ ]in Taipei.

38.Here is the[ ]for my trip to Europe this coming summer.Do you have any suggestions?

39.I locked my key in the room, and fortunately, I have a[ ]set in the office to use.

40.Taiwan has become more and more popular among foreign tourists because it is quite[ ]and friendly.

41.Besides your passport, the ground staff also needs to check your COVID-19[ ]card during the check-in.

42.Excuse me, which[ ]should I go to for the connecting flight to Chicago?

43.Each passenger can have two pieces of checked baggage allowance and one[ ]bag.

44.This is a non-smoking flight.Please be aware that smoking is[ ]on the entire aircraft.

45.A: I feel dizzy and I am about to vomit.B: Are you OK?Here is the[ ]bag, right in front of your seat pocket.

46.If you carry more than the duty-free allowance, including a bottle of alcohol, the items will be[ ].

47.Changing money at the airport is convenient to get local[ ], but you may be charged some service fees.

(A)residence(B)currency(C)exchange(D)personal check
48.The immigration officers will ask you to look at the camera.Also, you have to press the buttons to leave your[ ].

49.A: Hello.I would like to stay for two nights.Is there any[ ]today?B: Yes, we have a standard twin room available.

50.A: Is it possible to book an opera ticket and a local tour for me?B: Sure.The[ ]service in our hotel can help.

51.A: The lamp in my room does not work.It is quite dark.B: Sorry about that.I will send a[ ]staff up right away.

52.If you plan to go to this[ ]restaurant, men and women are required to dress up.

53.A: Would you like a glass of wine to go with your meal?B: Sure.How about a soft bouquet with a sweet[ ]?

54.It is relaxing to sit in this café and hang[ ]with my friends a bit.We can enjoy the riverside view and have a chat.

55.A: The meal is so satisfying.B: I think so.Let me get the[ ].It is on me today.You always help me a lot.A: Thanks.

56.I am afraid that part of the highway to the airport is under construction, so you may need to take a[ ].

57.Everyone can come to this corner.Based on my experience, it is the best view to take a[ ]or a group photo.

58.Instead of driving a long way for vacation, we had a[ ], visiting the local museums and staying in a hotel nearby.

59.Look at the map.We can take the subway to the[ ].It is easy to find this popular historical site.

60.I highly recommend this blue tote bag because of its high quality.It is very[ ]and waterresistant.

61.A: This red blouse is too[ ].Do you have a smaller one to try?B: Yes.Here you are.The fitting room is right there.

62.A: Besides the discount, we can also keep the[ ]to get a VAT(value-added tax)refund at the airport.B: So great!

63.Excuse me, could you show me how to make a[ ]long-distance call from San Diego to New York?

64.A: I am hungry and want to grab some food.B: Try this[ ]number 1-800-522-5942 for Burger Hot to order a meal.

65.「#」is called the[ ]key, and is a button on a telephone or keyboard labeled.

66.A: What happened?B: Doctor, it seems I am allergic to seafood.I have rashes and feel[ ]all over my arms.

67.My[ ]was sprained, so walking was quite hard.I think I may need a wheelchair for assistance at the airport.

68.A: I need to buy medicine for my splitting headache.B: Here is the one you can take.It is[ ],no prescription needed.

(A)clinic(B)side effect(C)over-the-counter(D)symptom
69.A: I would like to report a[ ].My wallet was gone.B: I see.Please calm down and tell me what happened.

70.A: What can I do if I lose my passport during the trip?B: You have to go to the embassy to have a new one[ ].


  Global warming and environmental problems raise people’s environmental concerns and increase their environmental responsibility in their buying.Countries all over the world are increasingly emphasizing environmental conservation matters.Green consumers are those who are aware of and interested in environmental issues.They support businesses that run in environmentally friendly ways.In addition, green consumers are also concerned about how green the products they bought are.Greenproducts are products that are non-toxic, made from recycled materials, or minimally packaged.In general,green products are known as ecological products or environmentally friendly products that impact less on the environment.The goal of green marketing is bringing environment issue into marketing.If we can make consumers consider that information of environmental protection during their decision process, we can push companies to produce more environmentally friendly products.
  Although the tourism and hospitality industry is also referred to as the non-factory-made industry,companies are still trying hard toward the goal of sustainable development.In Taiwan, the government took several ways to encourage sustainability development in the industry.For example, theEnvironmental Protection Administration(EPA)held a reward program that customers could earn “green points” after dinning at environmentally friendly restaurants.
71.Which of the following statements is true?

(A)Countries all over the world are ignoring environmental conservation issues. (B)Green products are made of plastic. (C)The Taiwan government took actions to promote green dining. (D)The goal of green marketing makes no difference from marketing in general.
72.Which of the following is not a possible characteristic of green products?

(A)Made from recycled materials(B)Minimally packaged. (C)Non-toxic(D)Packaged in many layers and boxes.
73.Which of the following is true about green consumers?

(A)They are aware of environmental issues.(B)They are enthusiastic about death penalty issues. (C)They are enthusiastic about human rights.(D)They are interested in racial rights issues.
74.Which feature are green products known for?

75.What is one of the causes that raise people’s environmental concerns?

(A)Gender inequality(B)Global poverty(C)Global warming(D)Regional war.
  The sea turtle has been a species at high risk of extinction for many years.In Taiwan, Xiaoliuqiu(also called Little Liuqiu or Liuqiu), an island belonging to Pingtung County in Taiwan has a high number of sea turtles, and the majority of the residents there have been aware of the importance of protecting sea turtles.
  However, the island has so many tourist attractions that many visitors come to the island on weekends and holidays.They come for scuba diving, SUP(stand-up paddling), snorkeling, and so on.Although these activities promote local economic growth, it leads to some influences on marine life and the environment.
  To decrease the burden on the environment, a team of volunteers, consisting of university students in Taiwan, non-profit organizations, and residents have started to conduct a project about environmental protection, including sea turtle conservation and marine-debris decoration.The team observes the life of sea turtles, keeping records of their migration behaviors.The team also has a sea turtle patrol at night from 7:00 p.m.to 5:00 a.m., learning about how sea turtles lay their eggs.On the other hand, the team conducts beach clean-ups every day.The volunteers collect marine debris to create an art wall near the beach.This decoration wall aims to remind visitors that they should reduce pollution and disturbance.The head of the team says the volunteers will take more actions to keep the island green.
76.What is the passage mainly about?

(A)A beautiful country.(B)Environmental protection.(C)Wild animals.(D)Hardworking residents.
77.Why do visitors come to this island?

(A)To join beach clean-ups.(B)To observe the economic growth. (C)To paint the houses.(D)To enjoy water activities.
78.According to the passage, who is NOT likely involved in the volunteer team?

(A)University students.(B)Teachers at Liuqiu Junior High School. (C)Staff from a non-profit organization.(D)Tour managers from other countries.
79.According to the passage, when do sea turtles likely lay eggs?

(A)At noon.(B)In the early afternoon.(C)At midnight.(D)At 10 in the morning.
80.According to the passage, how to keep the island green effectively?

(A)Promote ecotourism.(B)Produce more debris to create the art wall. (C)Introduce more friends to visit this island.(D)Make food to feed sea turtles.


11203。(4)112年 第一次國防法務官考試


1.The medicine is injected directly into the vein in an urgent situation because the effect will be more[ ]than taking a pill.

2.The dog became frisky suddenly,[ ]in its owner’s arms and barking excitedly.

3.The mission has to be[ ]because of limited budget.

4.John was so exhausted from traveling and fell asleep almost[ ].

5.The fact that the unique dialect is spoken in the city and its[ ]areas shows clear historical connections of the people in these areas.

6.“How did you know that this is my favorite brand?” she asked,[ ]some perfume behind each ear.

7.It would be an[ ]to say cannabis trade has been growing by leaps and bounds since its estimated worth increased dramatically within a month.

8.As a direct result of the pandemic and related guidance from public health officials, aircrafts of all types are regularly undergoing[ ]procedures more often than ever before.

9.[ ]enables people to trace back their family histories for generations.

10.Some people may leave areas of low wages to go to the areas where[ ]jobs are available.

11.Vitamin D[ ]can arise if a person does not take in enough or their skin has an impaired ability to nurture it from the sun.

12.Eager to be the first nation to explore the space, the USSR[ ]the first man-made satellite, Sputnik,into orbit around the Earth in 1957.

13.Most migrants were not treated fairly in the American society in the 19th century when the[ ]of Asians was widespread throughout the Western society.

14.Patricia was[ ]with grief when she heard of the news of her father’s sudden death last night.

15.Carlos is[ ]on why his 10-year-long marriage would have ended in divorce.


  What do urban building materials have in common?First of all, materials such as asphalt, steel, and brick are often very dark colors—like black, brown and grey.A dark object absorbs all wavelengths of light energy and[16]them into heat, so the object gets warm.In contrast, a white object reflects all wavelengths of light.The light is not converted into heat and the temperature of the white object does not increase noticeably.[17], dark objects—such as building materials—absorb heat from the sun.
  To cool down urban heat islands, some cities are “lightening” streets.[18]is done by covering black asphalt streets, parking lots, and dark roofs with a more reflective gray coating.These changes can drop urban air temperatures dramatically, especially during the heat of summer.Planting gardens on urban rooftops can also help to cool down the city, too![19], a study in Los Angeles, California, calculated that changes like these would be enough to save close to $100 million per year in energy costs!
  Urban building materials are another reason that urban areas trap heat.Many modern building materials are impervious surfaces.This means that water can’t flow through surfaces like a brick or a patch of cement like[20]would through a plant.Without a cycle of flowing and evaporating water, these surfaces have nothing to cool them down.


(A)Thus(B)Nonetheless(C)However(D)What’s worse


(A)In vain(B)In contrast(C)In case(D)In fact


  The development of companion machine is making a lot of progress.The ideal companion machinewould not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a[21]manner.Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be[22]as closely as possible,and the machine would appear to be charming, stimulating, and easygoing.Its informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and[23]interesting.In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant and[24], but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style.The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the[25]in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.






  Some scholars look within nations to explain the source of current dissatisfaction with open market.Economists offer an[26]view that over time, trade should be increasingly valued by voters.This is because the new and more[27]consumer goods are available for purchase.Also, more exportsopportunities[28]growth and employment.However, all these gains are not taken for granted in politics.One reason for this is that although consumer prices have declined and exports grown, job gains are[29].Even if history ultimately reveals a positive relationship between job growth and globalization, the potential benefits of globalization have been[30]by increasingly long value chains, by job growth in less legible service sectors, and by the geographic consolidation of winners.






  Parents and educators are best positioned to help kids deal with information-quality issues.Children need to be taught critical skills in general.[31]suggests that as they learn these skills, they are better able to make[32]of information online as well as offline.We don’t need to teach them anything[33]new.But the need for critical thinking is even greater now than it was decades ago, when kids had library cardsinstead of Web[34].The material at the library was already hand-picked for its suitability and[35].We need to teach kids these skills earlier, and in ways that work for them in the digital environment as well as in traditional environments.






  High blood pressure has been of great concern for many people nowadays.It places a severe[36]on the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys.It may[37]cause the heart to enlarge and become thickened.In some cases, the heart may fail.High blood pressure can also cause the blood vessels to overstretch, weaken, or burst;a[38]blood vessel in the brain can cause a stroke or even paralysis.The third and most serious[39]related to high blood pressure is kidney failure.When the kidneys cease to function, they no longer[40]waste products.The result of kidney failure may be serious illness, or even death.





(A)fill up(B)filter out(C)sweep in(D)sift between





  (一)Under the authority granted by the Immigration and Nationality Act(INA),as amended, a Customs and Boarder Protection(CBP)officer may question, under oath, any person coming into the country to determine his or her admissibility.In addition, an inspector has authority to search without warrant the person and effects of any person seeking admission.(15分)
  (二)今天連假第一天,桃園機場出入境、加上轉機旅客就超過十萬人次排隊人潮。有人形容就像看不到盡頭,得提前幾個小時、提早報到!搭機出國外,搭船到離島的旅客也不少,前往綠島遊玩的遊客,第一班客輪就載滿約 300 人。(15分)

  Taiwan has been ranked as the fourth-happiest country in Asia and 27th in the world by the Ranking Royals website.The ranking is based on six criteria,including healthy life expectancy, GDP per capita, social support, freedom to make your own decisions in life, absence of business and government corruption, and giving to charity.Write an essay of about 250~300 words to describe your reactions to this news.

1.The way our eyes and brain handle information has become[ ].Thanks to television, film and computers, our ability to process images is faster.

2.When we don’t believe we have the resources or abilities to cope with a certain problem or stimuli, we create[ ]behaviors to deny or avoid it.

3.Being a professional artist, Lisa mostly makes drawings, paintings, and sculptures, and[ ]she is invited to make fashion illustrations.

4.Anita’s 2-year gym membership is no longer[ ]; she is thinking about getting a lifelong membership offered by a newly opened gym near her place.

5.During their one-week trip to Yushan National Park, the Lins visited many[ ]spots and truly enjoyed the breathtaking views in the mountains.

6.Although Irene failed to make the national swimming team this year, she refused to live her life[ ]like a loser; instead she practiced even harder to try again next year.

7.Those board members who looked at Amanda’s new business idea[ ]challenged it harshly would never expect that the idea later turned out to be a huge success.

8.After the old emperor’s death, the empire was[ ]into several small states.

9.He despised Pitt,[ ]the similar views they both held.

10.The way the government tackles the problem of civil war in this country is[ ]because it has never ended in such a peaceful manner.

11.The patients are asked to[ ]for their medical expenses if they want to gain better medical service from their doctors.

(A)spill the beans(B)miss the boat(C)foot the bill(D)hit the sack
12.Isaac still managed to complete the task he had been assigned to[ ]its difficulty and time constraint.

13.When donating a huge sum of money to charities, she prefers being an[ ]donor and keeps her identity unknown to the public.

14.When they climb up to the peak of Mt.Everest, they can do nothing but[ ]the stunning and breath-taking views out there.

(A)lay down(B)marvel at(C)pass off(D)put across
15.John devoted himself to establishing the first hospital for the mentally ill in his country and was a notably generous[ ]of the poor and outcast.


  There are many amazing underground creatures.The stars of the underground show are earthworms,[16].their role in building soil, their importance to gardeners, and the fascination they afford schoolchildren.Earthworms are giants compared with most other soil[17].The earthworm’s body is made of[18]cylinders, which look like many little rings joined together.They are[19]that chew their way through soil, feeding on plant and animal detritus and on microbes, digesting and thoroughly mixing organic and inorganic components before eliminating it as humus.This[20]breaks complex organic molecules down into simpler forms more suitable for uptake by plants.

(A)because of(B)soon after(C)despite of(D)right after





  The National Immigration Agency(NIA)in Taiwan announced that new immigrant mothers who are divorced with children born in Taiwan are allowed to continue staying in Taiwan despite that they lose the custody of their children.The NIA’s decision to amend the law is invariably linked with the protection of the children’s rights and interests.The NIA restated that Article 31 of the Immigration Act in 2007 was modified to safeguard the rights and interests of foreign spouses after a divorce.The amendment contains enabling them to have the custody of children after a divorce and get divorced with their Taiwanese spouses if they are victims of domestic violence.
  In the past, new immigrant mothers who are divorced without the custody of their children are usually compelled to leave the country.Yet, their right to have visitation of their children will still be granted depending on the NIA’s evaluation of each case concerning to what extent the mothers are involved in bearing and rearing their Taiwan-born children before they are deported finally.With this adjustment in law, the court will decide whether a mother can obtain the custody of her child/children according to paragraph 4 of Article 31 of the Immigration Act.Once granted, a new immigrant mother in such a circumstance will be authorized to continue dwelling in this country.In the case of a new immigrant mother who has already gone back to her country of origin after a divorce, the NIA claimed that she can still come back to Taiwan with a visitor visa provided that she used to be a legal resident in Taiwan who was the primary caretaker of her child/children or kept in full contact with them.
21.Which interest group in Taiwan is most likely to welcome this new amendment in law?

(A)The Consumers’ Foundation.(B)The Society of Wilderness. (C)The Child Welfare League Foundation.(D)The Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Services.
22.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the NIA’s reform of the Immigration Act?

(A)It grants the separations between new immigrant mothers and their children in the case of a divorce. (B)It protects the rights and interests of the children if they are victims of domestic violence. (C)It sets up a new model of policy-making that takes the welfare of new immigrant families into consideration.(D)It materializes the ideal of social justice when new immigrant family issues are taken into account.
23.What is another benefit that a new immigrant mother can gain from this law amendment apart from being allowed to stay in Taiwan after a divorce?

(A)She can apply for a visitor visa.(B)She can get a divorce if she wants. (C)She can choose to leave the country.(D)She can obtain her child/children’s custody.
24.What is the criterion that a new immigrant mother must fulfill in order to benefit from this amendment in law?

(A)She needs to stay in Taiwan for at least ten years. (B)She needs to bear at least two children who were born in Taiwan. (C)She needs to be a legal immigrant who has stayed continually in Taiwan. (D)She has to be a lawful resident who has already obtained the citizenship in Taiwan.
25.What message does this law amendment send in terms of Taiwan’s immigration policy?

(A)Taiwan implements severe prosecution for illegal new immigrants. (B)Taiwan enforces many of its improper laws on new immigrants. (C)Taiwan cares for the needs of new immigrant mothers and their children. (D)Taiwan serves as a watchdog for new immigrants who have Taiwanese spouses.




1.Emotional manipulation from a family member, coworker, or trusted friend can have negative[ ]for your quality of life.

2 The long distant march had[ ]every soldier.Upon hearing the order of rest, they laid down on the grass.答案顯非:【D】

3.Learning should be[ ]a process rather than a static one.

4.Many religious[ ]are held throughout the country every year to attract numerous visitors.

5.A severe[ ]storm is heading for the city, and people are advised to stay at home.

6.A[ ]of the king appears in the new coinage.

7.It has been confirmed that the new insurance policy mainly[ ]senior citizens.

8.It is unreasonable to have[ ]against people simply because of their skin color.

9.Exercise can physically[ ]you out and substantially improve your sleep.

10.John's report is[ ]with 100 full-color photographs that depict the grandeur of the landscape in this national park.

11.Jack and Mary had a[ ]encounter in the street.

12.New facilities have been added to[ ]the special needs of elderly residents.

13.A storm is[ ]outside, but we are warm and comfortable indoors.

14.He took the job even though there was no[ ]of permanent employment.

15.After they'd had a cup of coffee, the conversation started to[ ].

16.This is to inform you that the payment for the goods you ordered has not been[ ]yet.

17.Our school sponsors a blood[ ]to promote blood donation every year.

18.Barbara[ ]to me that she didn't have any intention of explaining the problem in the meeting.

19.They arrived at the historic town and took a leisurely[ ]through the old district.

20.Which[ ]do you use to make your clothes always so clean and white?

21.Every one of us is responsible for protecting the environment for the[ ]of future generations.

22.Occasionally,[ ]happens unexpectedly, so it's always a good idea to fasten your seatbelt.

23.Because of the heavy rainfall today, all public[ ]will only be running on major thoroughfares.

24.When you visit a bank to make a cash[ ], you need to fill out the form or slip first.

25.Sally doesn’t get along with her friends because of[ ]her manners.


  If you have ever had to smell the Swedish fermented herring Surströmming, it is often hard to imagine that this is a popular[26]in Sweden.It was once voted the worst smelling food in the world.Durian fruit has nothing on this little fish – it really[27].But a lot of people really enjoy the whole process of eating it.Here are two tips to serve and store: First, always store the tin in the fridge when unopened.Do not keep it[28].Second, always open outdoors because the smell will[29].Please note most airlines do not allow these tins to be[30 ]as they are pressurised(and can you imagine the smell?).So, don't plan to take these tins on any flights.




(A)look around(B)hang around(C)fly away(D)take away


  "Time" is the most commonly used noun in the English language.The word itself is used in a[31]of ways: we can kill time, do time, save it, and spend it.Time even takes on a medicinal role when it comes to healing both physical and emotional[32].Most of us wish we[33]more of it, and yet time persists as an object of value, as in "Time is money," and an enemy of every person, as in "The deadline is approaching" or "His days are[34]." It is, eventually,the thing[35]kills all of us.And yet for all its pervasiveness in our everyday conversations, describing what time is doesn't come easily.



(A)have(B)to have(C)had(D)will have



  Terms considered proper for a group or phenomenon seem to change every generation or so.The term crippled, for example, sounds abusive today,[36]it was once considered civil by educated, sensitive people.Crippled began as a(n)[37]term.However, a sad reality of human society is that there are negative associations and even dismissal harbored[38]those with disabilities.Crippled thus became accreted with those overtones to the point that handicapped was fashioned as a replacement term[39]from such baggage.Similarly, because humans stayed human, handicapped, later[40]shades of abuse, also conditioned another replacement like disabled.Such a(n)periodic semantic renewal is an inevitable and healthy process.






  Have you been caught up in a swarm of flying ants?And is there really a special "flying ant day"?Read on to discover more…
  1.Flying ants are just normal ants – with wings! The ants we are most used to seeing are female black garden ants,marching around collecting food.But during summer, winged males and new queens of the same species take flight!
  2.They fly to set up new ant colonies.The ants take to the skies so that queens can mate with males from different colonies, and set up new nests of their own.
  3.They only swarm during hot summer weather.For a swarm of ants to occur, conditions must be just right – they are usually triggered by hot and humid weather in July or August.
  4."Flying ant day" is a myth.Because so many ants appear in the same place at the same time, the phenomenon is often known as "flying ant day" – but it's really more of a short flying ant season.Depending on weather, the winged insects may appear in different parts of the country any time between June and September.
  5.They're harmless.These flying beasties might be super annoying, but they won't hurt you.Plus they provide loads of extra food for hungry birds!
  6.Female flying ants are bigger than males.Brave enough to take a closer look?You'll see that some of the winged ants are much larger than others.The bigger ones are the queens – they're up to 15mm in length.
  7.Queens bite their own wings off! After mating, queens chew off their wings and crawl around looking for a place to dig a new nest.Look out for their discarded wings on the floor!
  8.Flying ants are also called alates, the name given to the winged form of many insects.
41.Which of the following is similar in meaning to "swarm" in "...caught up in a swarm of flying ants..."?

42.What does the term "flying beasties" refer to in this passage?

43.According to the passage, why do the ants fly?

(A)To look for food and collect it(B)To avoid hot and humid weather. (C)To escape from hungry birds(D)To mate and build a nesting site.
44.According to the passage, why can wings be found on the floor?

(A)Queens of the ants chew off their wings after mating. (B)Wings of the flying ants are bitten off by hungry birds. (C)The wings fall off the ants because of humid and hot weather. (D)All these insects automatically shed their wings in July or August.
45.According to the passage, which one of the following is NOT true?

(A)The female flying ants are larger than the males. (B)The ants fly together during hot and humid summer time. (C)The flying ants may appear in different parts of the country. (D)The winged insects are annoying and damaging growing crops.

  This month Cupid takes flight because love is in the air.And this year it smells like grease and salt.A perfume that smells like French fries has proven to be as irresistible as the fast-food staple after selling out almost instantly.The Idaho Potato Commission(IPC)released the limited-edition fragrance – "Frites by Idaho" – just in time for Valentine's Day,and fans couldn't wait to get their hands on a bottle.Frites by Idaho is manufactured using distilled homegrown potatoes and essential oils.Whether you and your valentine are planning to have a quiet dinner at home or will be heading out for a fancy meal on that most romantic of days, you can make sure you crave fast food the entire time with Frites by Idaho.
  Sure this sounds silly, but think of all the words and feelings you associate with both perfume and French fries:desire, alluring, intoxicating, irresistible, tasty.Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea.The great state of Idaho isn't taking its novelty fragrance too seriously, either.The 1.7 fluid ounce bottle was available for the same price as a side of fries, just US$1.89.Unfortunately, that's also why it sold out immediately on the IPC website.But don't give up hope just yet, French fry romantics.You can enter a contest to win one of 10 bottles the state is giving away for free.Just head to the Idaho Potato Instagram page for how to enter.
  Even if you don't end up nabbing one, we have an idea.Just rub some French fries on your neck before your loved one shows up.Just remember to make sure you let your fries cool down before you do that.Things are heating up this month, but hopefully not because of second degree burns.
46.What is this new product just in time for Valentine's Day?

(A)French fries made with Idaho Potato(B)A perfume that smells like French fries. (C)Idaho potato with a 90 percent discount(D)A meal at a fast food restaurant in Idaho.
47.Why did the IPC release this new product?

(A)It aims to promote potato sales in this slow month.(B)People cannot resist the tempting smell of the product. (C)It partners with fast food restaurants that sell fries. (D)People go to restaurants to celebrate Valentine's Day.
48.Which of the following ways is true about how to get this product?

(A)By placing an order on the IPC website at the moment.(B)By rubbing some French fries on the neck. (C)By being a lucky winner in a giveaway contest.(D)By taking a bite of fries before your meal.
49.What is the author's tone in this passage?

50.Where can this passage be found?

(A)An agricultural handbook(B)An online news report.(C)A travel magazine(D)A science paper.




1.Unlike students at the bachelor's level, Ph.D.[ ]are supposed to complete reports and conduct research independently.

2.There were 198[ ]on the airplane that was attacked last week.No one survived.

3.Janet has been depressed since she lost her job, but we believe she'll feel better[ ]when she is employed again.

4.According to some studies, children with no brothers and sisters are inclined to be[ ].They are not able to acquire the same social skills as children from big families.

5.When Sarah was sick, her loving father tried to[ ]by singing to her.

(A)heat her up(B)cheer her up(C)clean her up(D)shake her up
6.Most people blame the governemt for the country’s current economic[ ].

7.According to the[ ], one in ten people may have a tendency to drink too much liquor over the holidays.

8.Let’s[ ]a break when we finish this exercise.

9.Because their gum leaf diet does not give them much[ ], koalas sleep a lot.

10.Anita and her twin sister Louisa pursued very different careers: she became a teacher,[ ]her sister earned her living as a singer.

(A)while(B)so that(C)even if(D)since
11.Talking with your mouth full[ ]not a polite thing to do.

12.A doctor[ ]to Melanie and bandaged her hands.

(A)talked(B)who talks(C)that talks(D)talking
13.We are going to celebrate grandpa’s[ ]birthday this Friday.

14.I tried to make friends[ ]my new neighbor, but I failed.

15.[ ]I visit my parents, I spend many hours with them talking about the old times.

16.You must not[ ]like that to your mother.

(A)to talk(B)talking(C)talk(D)talked
17.Making new friends[ ]easy for Fanny, but difficult for Angel.

(A)are(B)who are(C)who is(D)is
18.Even though they go to the golf course every Saturday,[ ]John[ ]his brother knows how to play golf very well.

19.John: Excuse me, I want two[ ]for tomorrow’s concert.Clerk: There are 2 kinds-- NT$500 and NT$800.Which kind do you want?

20.David is[ ]popular student in our class.Everyone wants to make friends with him.

(A)the more(B)the most(C)the least(D)the best
21.Mr.White is not fond of snakes, and he hates spiders even[ ].

22.[ ]that Grandma was hospitalized, I would have visited her last night with my brothers.

(A)Had I known(B)I have known(C)I should know(D)Were I knowing
23.The hotel’s good night gift, a chocolate[ ]in gold paper, was placed on the pillow.

24.After the flood, people were sad about their loss but[ ]about getting back to normal life soon.

25.With the little money I got from my part-time job, I certainly cannot[ ]to buy the luxury car.


  To survive, animals need to find food.Some predators have developed special vision in order to look for prey.Processing eyesight that can be four to five times[26]than ours, eagles can spot a rabbit from several miles away.Owls,[27]hunt at night, have huge eyes for capturing plenty of light and detecting tasty treats in the dark.Like owls, cats see well at night.Their pupils become large circles to let more[28]in.However, they can’t detect colors.Bees and butterflies, on the other hand, have a range of color vision that extends into ultraviolet –[29]that humans can’t see.For a long time, humans didn’t know how other animals see.Recent studies have shed light on a marvelous world of vision diversity.Understanding the way animals[30]the world can tell us a lot about their survival strategies.






  A vampire is an undead creature that rises from its grave to feed on the blood of the living.The vampire is of uncertain origin and can be found in the chronicles of numerous cultures around the world.In Europe, vampires are dangerous adversaries, and should therefore be treated with the utmost[31].Their inhuman strength and speed,combined with their rather uncultured refusal todie from most injuries, make them potentially difficult to[32].In addition, their ability to spread their contagion when they kill means that careless hunters could themselves become vampires—and therefore a danger to their fellows.Though some vampires are[33]than savage beasts,others are extremely intelligent.Not only can they match wits with their prey, and fight or hunt with great cunning,but some can even masquerade[34]human beings and live seemingly innocent lives with the societies they victimize.Those vampires who do not thus dwell in villages or cities can be found in a variety of places when not out feeding—ranging from the[35]in which they were buried to lavish castles in the case of aristocratic vampires.



(A)little(B)much(C)little more(D)very much



  Mark is a young man with synesthesia.It is not a[36](although it sounds like one), and it does not really have any serious effects on his day-to-day life.However, it is a strange condition.Synesthesia happens when two or more of a person’s senses get[37].For example, Mark “tastes” words.His sense of taste[38]when he hears or reads certain words, even if he is not eating anything.For him, the word “box” tastes of eggs.
  His sister is synesthetic, too, and she sees words[39]color.Hence, when she sees the word “Tuesday” or just thinks of the word “Tuesday,” she gets the feeling of “brown.” Actually, the kind of synesthesia, where the days of the week are colored, is the most common type.Some scholars suggest that synesthesia is[40]to the way our brains develop language and that there is a link between sounds and shapes.


(A)mixed up(B)split up(C)haunted(D)hardened




  A fossil is the remains of an animal or plant that lived long ago.Most fossils are created from the hard parts of an animal’s body,[41]bones, shells, or teeth.Some are[42], like dinosaur footprints.Some are so tiny that you need a microscope to[43]them.Most fossils are found in rocks[44]from the mud or sand that collects at the bottom of oceans, rivers, and lakes.Fossils provide scientists with[45]to ancient animals.

(A)rather than(B)above all(C)such as(D)except for





  A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat, poultry, and fish.Vegetarians eat[46]fruit, vegetables,grains, seeds, and nuts.Many vegetarians eat eggs and/or dairy products but avoid hidden animal products[47]beef and chicken stocks, lard, and gelatin.
  People are vegetarians for many reasons, including[48]for personal health and the environment or spiritual reasons.People may become vegetarians for one reason, and then later on[49]some of the other reasons as well.According to the American Diabetes Association, vegetarians are at a lower risk for developing heart disease, diabetes,high blood pressure and breast cancers.This is[50]a healthy vegetarian diet is typically low in fat and high in fiber.Though being a vegetarian can be a healthy lifestyle, be sure you fully understand why you are choosing vegetarianism.


(A)more than(B)similar to(C)as much as(D)such as







  請寫一篇關於預防酒駕的兩段式英文簡報文稿,約 200 字。在第一段中,說明酒後駕車發生的原因。在第二段中,說服公眾酒後不開車,以及說明你心目中理想的酒駕處罰方式。

41.The police got a(n)[ ]call that said money was being stolen from a local bank.

42.Elder abuse can take on various forms, including economic exploitation, physical and emotional abuse, as well as neglect.Sadly, those who commit elder abuse or[ ]of elder abuse may befamily members.

43.The goal of airport security is to safeguard passengers, crew, and staff by[ ]for forbidden item sand preventing acts of terrorism, hijacking, and other criminal activities that could endanger the safety of air travel.

44.In that country, for sentences in excess of four years, prisoners are eligible to be released on[ ]after serving one-third of their sentences.

45.[ ]is a criminal charge involving violence, so the prosecution takes it very seriously, especially if a weapon is involved or it results in injury.

46.To prevent identity theft, you should regularly monitor your credit reports and financial statements to detect any[ ]or suspicious activity.

47.While driving home from a party last night, I was stopped by the police and asked to take a breathalyzer test.Since I had only consumed orange juice at the party, my breath alcohol[ ]was normal.

48.The government is being warned about a network of criminals carrying out a sophisticated systemof credit card[ ].

49.The court ordered the convicted woman to make[ ]to the family that she had done so much harm to.

50.The Taiwanese government has implemented new laws that prohibit the production, sale, and importation of e-cigarettes.The legal age for smoking has also been raised from 18 to 20 to curb young people's[ ]addiction.


  The Customs Administration’s canine division last year helped customs officers 51 758kg ofillegal drugs, The Customs Administration’s canine division last year helped customs officers[51]758kg of illegal drugs, which were valued at NT$330 million(US$11.86 million).Most of the narcotics detected by sniffer dogs were ketamine, the agency said.Taiwan has 37 detection dogs, with each dog working with one dog handler.Detection dogs are put[52]duty whenever high-risk flights arrive, and they must finish[53]the luggage in about 10 minutes, it added.With the establishment of the Maritime Express Consignments Clearance service at the Keelung Customs Office and the construction of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport’s Terminal 3 expected to be completed in 2026, the center said it is aiming to expand the canine division from 37 to 44 sniffer dogs by 2025.The center said that its main task in the next few years is to train more Labradors to find tobacco, narcotics or explosives[54]the Military Police Command, the National Fire Agency, the National Police Agency, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine, and other agencies.The success rate of training Labrador puppies to become detection dogs has reached more than 20 percent, as puppies born from second-generation dams tend to be stronger and healthier, it said.As the[55 ]of puppies is expected to double in the next three years, people living south of Taoyuan or north of Yunlin County are encouraged to become foster families of puppies, the center said, adding that companies in central Taiwan can offer facilities for puppy training.



(A)to sniff(B)sniff(C)sniffed(D)sniffing

(A)on behalf of(B)regardless of(C)insomuch as(D)in spite of


  With so many people crossing borders every day, how do we know we’re not letting dangerous people into our countries? One response is biometric identification technology.It has been developed to recognize individuals and to identify criminals.In fact, biometric identification is not a new invention.Law enforcement agencies have been using photographs and fingerprints as biometric identifiers since the late 19th century.Today, biometric identification technology, including both physiological and behavioral biometrics, has become increasingly prevalent as a means of enhancing security and protecting individuals' interests.
  Physiological biometrics, such as fingerprints and facial features, use human morphology to identify or recognize individuals.Besides fingerprint scanners, there are software programs that identify faces,palms, and irises.Scanning these physical features ensures that the person being scanned is who he or she claims to be.Unlike personal identification numbers, which are used to access bank accounts, biometric identifiers are extremely difficult, if not impossible, for criminals to steal.
  Behavioral biometrics can also be used to identify people.Certain behaviors are unique to individuals,such as their speech or the way they type.The classic behavioral biometric marker is a person's signature,but it can be problematic as it can be copied.However, people do automatically recognize subtleties in the way a person speaks, such as intonation and regional accents.Typing patterns, likewise, would be very difficult to observe and mimic convincingly.
  Biometrics can have two potential applications: identification and identity verification.Identification uses biometric information to discover the identity of an unknown person.DNA evidence has joined fingerprints as a common tool of law enforcement for this purpose.Today, we use passports to verify our identity when crossing borders, but passports can be stolen or forged.An effective biometric identification system would be difficult to fool.Because of this, many countries are considering biometric additions to or replacements of existing identification system.India, for instance, has already implemented such a system, which utilizes fingerprint and iris scans, in addition to photographs.
  While biometric identification technology shows promise in various applications, there are ethical concerns surrounding the development of biometric identification technology.Critics worry about the possibility of criminal uses of the technology, as legitimate organizations can use biometric scanners to verify personal information.And civil liberties advocates are concerned about the potential for abuse by authorities.Therefore, policymakers will need to balance security and law enforcement against personal freedom and privacy.Ethical considerations must be taken into account when developing biometric identification technology.
56.What is the main idea of this passage?

(A)The ethical problems with biometric identification. (B)Biometric identification, its uses, and its challenges. (C)Biometric identification and its history in law enforcement. (D)The difference between physiological and behavioral biometrics.
57.According to the passage, which of the following can be scanned as a physiological biometricidentifier?

(A)Bank accounts(B)Brain waves(C)Palms and irises(D)Speaking speed.
58.According to the passage, what is a traditional behavioral biometric marker?

(A)Signatures(B)Facial features(C)Regional accents(D)Typing patterns.
59.What does the word “forged” mean?

60.Which ethical concern about biometric identification technology isNOTmentioned in the passage?

(A)The potential for illicit usage.(B)The likelihood of misuse by authorities. (C)The dispute over India's disregard for civil liberties. (D)The balance between ensuring security and protecting personal privacy.





  一、Please translate the following paragraph into English(15分)
  國際海事組織將船舶交通服務定義為:「由主管當局實施的服務,旨在提高船舶交通安全和效率並保護環境。該服務應具有與交通互動的能力,並對船舶交通服務區域內,發展中的交通情況作出反應」。典型的船舶交通服務系統,使用雷達、閉路電視、特高頻無線電話和自動識別系統,以跟踪船舶的移動,並在有限的地理水域內提供航行安全。訊息服務,是一種確保重要訊息可即時提供船上航行決策時使用的服務。交通組織服務,是一種旨在防止海上交通危險局勢發展,並在船舶交通服務區內,提供船舶交通安全且高效移動的服務。航行協助服務,是一種協助船上航行決策並監測其影響的服務。(提示:有底線的文詞,請務必使用正確的專業英文詞。 )

  二、Please translate the following paragraph into Chinese(10分)
  Coast Guard Administration, Ocean Affairs Council.The principal purpose of the Coast Guard is the protection of the country,tasked by the government to effectively manage the waters surroundingthe nation.On January 28, 2000, three major departments, in addition to smallerdepartments: the Coast Guard Command, Department of Defense; theNational Police Agency Water Police Department; and the GeneralAdministration of Customs and Anti-Smuggling; were amalgamated toform one body.This new body formed the Ministerial-level Coast Guard Administration,dedicated to law enforcement on the coast and at sea, establishing a unifiedmechanism for enforcement.The Coast Guard is first committed to safeguarding national maritimerights and interests, including protecting the lives and property of citizens.The Coast Guard operates on the principles of enforcement in a lawfulmanner, remaining fair, appropriate, and thorough in all dealings.Vigorously working toward improvement of the nation’s shores, theadministration has begun a new era of national coastal and Coast Guardadvancement.

41.The most effortless way a germ could spread is by waiting to be[ ]passively to the next victim.

42.Scientists find that using native oysters as water filters helps the bivalve and other species[ ]and could increase biodiversity in the area.

43.Dover Port Health Authority is responsible for the control of[ ]diseases affecting passengers and crew on vessels that arrive in Dover.

44.Coast Guard patrol ships seized[ ]cigarettes after uncovering a smuggling operation.

45.When the watch standers received a call informing the vessel’s position, they directed the launch of a helicopter and[ ]a vessel to search.

46.Marine pollution[ ]from many sources: the general public, industry, watercraft, and agriculture.

47.New depth restrictions would be[ ]on ships in the Panama Canal after water levels fell at nearby lakes.

48.If the captains of vessels behave more[ ], there would be far less internal conflict in management.

49.Overfishing is considerably reducing the population of fish in our oceans, and it is linked to the destruction of underwater foliage and coral reefs.Some even[ ]that it could be a major cause of global warming.

50.The torrential rain has not only caused numerous houses near the coast to be[ ]but also brought about mudslides besides the large-scale flooding.


  The unit is designed for 51 in water depths of up to 250 feet.The unit is also designed for ocean 52 ,afloat on its own hull with its legs intact and fully raised so that the spud can tip is 12.38 feet below the bottom of the hull.The lightweight is the condition of the unit before loading 53 , fuel, water, or stores.For the Coastal Driller, the lightweight 54 the basic hull weight and the fixed weight.The fixed weight is that which is permanently attached to the unit, which includes a portion that is 55 and a portion that can be moved.




(A)consists of(B)compresses by(C)conserves of(D)concludes by


  Smuggling has existed ever since governments first attempted to control trade across their borders.Although it is often understood as an attempt to evade duties or taxes that the legislature has placed upon the importation of certain classes of goods, smuggling is a much broader phenomenon than this.It may apply to attempts to evade export regulations, for example, or trade in certain prohibited goods, such as weapons or drugs.People may be smuggled across frontiers.At one end of the spectrum, smuggling may be a highly organized criminal activity, or what some describe as “the smuggling industry;” at the other,it may consist simply of a sailor or passenger trying to slip something for personal use past the authorities. Consideration must also be given to attempts to evade regulations relating to internal trade.Taxes on this are classified as excise duties.At one time, compliance was enforced by excise officers, while international trade was policed by customs officers; latterly, the two revenue services have been merged into one.
56.What is the primary purpose of this passage?

(A)To provide an overview of smuggling and its various forms (B)To discuss potential problems caused by smuggling (C)To demonstrate the tactics for smugglers to smuggle (D)To explain different kinds of regulations for smuggling
57.Which statement can summarize the first paragraph?

(A)The lawmakers have restricted imports of some goods. (B)Excise officers turn smuggling into a criminal operation. (C)Smuggling may occur due to a variety of motivations. (D)People may become smugglers for personal purposes.
58.According to this passage, what are excise duties?

(A)Taxes on international trade outside a country (B)Taxes on goods manufactured or produced within a country (C)Regulations relating to internal and international business (D)Regulations on goods imported from other countries
59.Which of the following is NOT smuggling?

(A)An attempt to dodge duties or taxes(B)Trade in certain illegal goods (C)An intention to get around export laws(D)A deal to comply with import regulations
60.What is an example of internal trade smuggling?

(A)A sailor smuggling goods past the authorities(B)Trade in illegal goods like drugs or weapons (C)An endeavor to avoid export regulations(D)Evading taxes on excisable goods





  一、中翻英:(10分)2022年3月30日,台南市南區一家五樓醫院發生火災,造成三人死亡,十五人受傷。火災發生時,醫院裡有約 30 多名病人及職員。消防人員趕到現場後,發現火勢已經蔓延到整個五樓,許多病人和職員被困在室內。經過近 2個小時的救援,消防員成功將被困人員救出,但是仍有三名病患因為傷勢過重不幸身亡。火災原因仍在調查中。

  二、英文作文:(15分)最近有關 AI(人工智慧)的議題甚囂塵上,研發者不但爭相把 AI 導入日常生活如人臉辨識或智慧監控,更為醫療、商業、金融業或各種服務業帶來無限可能。請就消防警察此一專業為出發點,寫一篇約250 字的作文,說明你對 AI 的了解、AI 對你的專業領域可能產生的負面影響或正面貢獻,以及你如何做充分的準備面對 AI 時代的來臨,以免被淘汰。

41.A fire[ ]is a method of practicing how a building would be evacuated in the event of a fire or other emergencies.

42.I feel so[ ]in this basement because it’s so much like a maze.

43.Firefighters and other officials have been[ ]to monitor the affected areas, as burning of farmlands and illegal foraging occur during this time of the year.

44.Most policies of insurance against property damage do not provide[ ]for the consequence of acts of God.

45.Firefighters battled the flames for almost ten hours, but were hampered with water supply issues stemming from the nearest fire[ ]being over 3000 feet away.

46.Would you consider hiring a consultant to determine if this fire-prevention project is[ ]?

47.The smoke emitted from oil[ ]contains gases and particulates that may have toxic effects on our bodies, much like exhaust emissions from motor vehicles or smoke from wood stoves.

48.Forest fires in northern Thailand are threatening to worsen the country’s air pollution, which has sent nearly 2 million people to hospitals with[ ]illnesses since the beginning of the year.

49.A fire is an emergent situation in any location.In a hospital with[ ]materials and gases, the sense of emergency is heightened.

50.A wildfire forced evacuations in El Paso County.All other residents within a two-mile[ ]of the intersection of Peterson Road and Galley Road in Cimarron Hills were initially put on preevacuation notice, but that was later lifted.

51.Fire doors are specialist doors which have been tested against the elements and purpose-built to withstand roaring fires for as long as possible.They enable buildings to[ ]and delay the spread of fire from one area to another, and form a crucial part of a passive fire protection strategy.


  Taitung’s Zhiben Wetlands caught fire late Sunday afternoon, burning into the night, fueled by strong winds,[52]over an area of five hectares.The fire drew the suspicion of environmentalists who completed a survey of endangered bird species in the wetland earlier in the day.They called[53]the Taitung Fire Department to thoroughly investigate whether the fire was an act of[54].The Society of Wilderness(SOW)and the Wild Bird Society of Taitung County conducted a wild bird field study on Sunday morning, counting the number of endangered bird[55]such as ring-necked pheasants, orioles,and Taiwan thrush.Many of these birds[56]in the shrubs on the north bank of the Zhiben River mouth.

(A)spread(B)spreading(C)was spread(D)being spread




(A)nest(B)nesting(C)been nested(D)having nested

  Fire is one of humankind’s most significant discoveries, but it can also be a great source of danger in accidents.On average 8 in 1,000,000 people are killed annually in Europe, and more are hospitalized due to fire.Fortunately, governments that have continuously adjusted fire safety strategies have addressed this risk.As a positive result, in the past 30 years, fire deaths dropped by 65% in Europe.
  Buildings notably represent an important part of the places where fire has fatal consequences.Therefore, numerous national and regional fire safety regulations have been implemented targeting buildings specifically.Plastics are used in various building and construction applications, from durable pipes and window frames to state-of-the-art insulation solutions.Over the years, the industry has increased efforts to develop plastic materials, products, and construction solutions with lower ignitability and limited impact on fire spread, contributing to the ongoing reduction of fatalities, injuries, and property damage due to fire.
  The most crucial aspect of a building’s safety in the face of fire is the possibility of a safe escape.A necessary precondition is that fire safety facilities enable independent and adequate fire response performances by the building’s occupants.In practice, the measures currently required by law do not always provide the support people need in burning buildings.Fire evacuation is essential to bring fire safety measures into line with occupants’ needs during an incident.Training and education at all levels play a vital part in this.The management responsible for a building must ensure that the occupants understand how to behave in the event of a fire.
  Fire safety has always been and continues to be a major objective for the industry and an integral part of product design and manufacturing.However, to provide adequate fire safety in buildings, consideration must be given to various connected design and use aspects.In addition, training and education to help building occupants respond adequately in the face of fire also plays a vital role in building fire safety.
57.What is the main idea of the passage?

(A)Fire is a both a great invention and a source of danger. (B)The number of deaths caused by fire has greatly reduced in the past 30 years. (C)It is important that we take measures to ensure fire safety in buildings. (D)Fire evacuation can help ensure the safety of building occupants.
58.According to the passage, what has the industry done to reduce fatalities, injuries, and property damage due to fire?

(A)Adjust fire safety strategies continuously.(B)Deregulate safety regulations targeting buildings specifically. (C)Design and use construction materials that are less likely to catch fire. (D)Provide training and education on fire safety to building occupants.
59.According to the passage, what is required to ensure fire safety in buildings?

(A)Fire safety facilities and adequate training are both needed to enable adequate fire response performances by the building’s occupants. (B)Building industries reduce the uses of plastics in a wide and growing range of building andconstruction applications. (C)Civil servants implement national and regional fire safety regulations targeting buildings specifically. (D)The management leaves the responsibility for independent and adequate fire response performances to building occupants.
60.What does “insulation” in the second paragraph most likely mean?





1.Many experts agree that the secret to a happy life is keeping a[ ]between work and play.

2.Wines can be[ ]according to their sugar content to tell if they are dry, medium or sweet.

3.When Tim witnessed the horrible traffic accident, he called 911 without[ ].

4.Tom has a lovely family[ ]three children and his wife.

5.There is a political[ ]to promote anti-discrimination courses in the school system.

(A)agony(B)agenda(C)schema  schedule
6.Denny's parents worried that he might be led[ ]by his inappropriate friends.

7.In this age of knowledge explosion, we need to[ ]facts from opinions.

8.Patricia dislikes her brother-in-law[ ]; she thinks he is inconsiderate, disrespectful, and sometimes even mean.

9.It may not be a good idea to start a new business[ ]during a pandemic.

10.Even though the driver had[ ]fought the steering wheel for control, accidents still happened.

11.The husband offered his wife a sincere[ ]after their fight.

12.It happens often that sand is[ ]where the river flows into the ocean.

13.Due to the economic recession, the nation declared that it would[ ]student loan payments until further notice.

14.Free[ ]between the airport and the train station are very convenient for tourists.

15.For diabetes sufferers, it is important to[ ]food consumption, which has impacts on blood sugar level.

16.The little girl is much thinner than most of her classmates due to long-term[ ].

17.In recent weeks, hundreds of passengers go on daylong[ ]to learn about the history, culture, economy and environment of this attraction.

18.The magician waved the stick and the rabbit[ ]from sight before the audience.

19.The principal awarded the two students in[ ]of their brave deeds.

20.Bedtime procrastination is the phenomenon of deliberately[ ]sleep even though there's nothing compelling you to stay awake.

(A)taking off(B)putting off(C)turning off(D)getting off
21.What you have been working on is ready for the next[ ]of your life.

22.Jane seems to be sad and very[ ]about her future because of her illness and her father’s heavy debts.

23.Tofu can be used as a meat[ ]in vegetarian recipes.

24.Jackson's case has to wait in the court until March because there are so many other cases[ ].

25.I don’t have a ticket to the concert but my friend who works there could[ ]me in.

26.Being[ ]late for school may be a sign that students are losing interest in studying.

27.In some countries, a “thumb-up” is a sign of[ ], but in some others, it's a sign of rudeness.

28.You should be aware that taking too much sugar or salt would[ ]your health.

29.The paparazzi[ ]the actress’ privacy by taking long distance shots of her at home.

30.Kevin, a doctor in a[ ]agency, travels to Africa at his own expense to help people there.


  Sociologists have long marveled at the degree to which the norms of the modern nation-state is imprinted upon the human psyche by its pre-existing ideology, which has permeated individual’s thoughts, muscles, and morality.These norms are then deconstructed and reconstructed into the optimal form[31]by the modern age.In this way individuals go through their day with the expectation that everyone will[32]their generalized assumptions about how a “normal” person will respond and behave.And so children habitually obey, anticipating the wishes of a parent or teacher, as well as the[33]of the police officer, professor, shop-keeper, workplace supervisor, and tax collector.This generalized anticipation becomes the shared common sense around[34]people are expected to orient their thoughts, behaviors, and world views.Such common sense is often bounded by the modern nation-state;[35]in recent years, it has at times gone global.In the process, the unique characters of smaller polities, economies, and societies slowly but surely disappear under the weight of modernity.






  The World Health Organization says that depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide, affecting 350 million people.The National Institute of Mental Health reports seven percent of Americans[36]depression in a year.Therefore, depression is[37]as we can find depressed people everywhere.A depressed person can ask for extra syrup in their latte without explaining that they need it because they're[38]the infinite darkness of their soul and they've lost all hope of escape.Depression doesn't diminish a person's desire to connect with other people, just their ability.In spite of what you might think, talking to friends and family living[39]depression can be really easy and maybe even fun--the kind of fun[40]people enjoy each other's company effortlessly.Nobody feels awkward, and no one accuses the sad person of ruining the holidays.

(A)to experience(B)experienced(C)experiences(D)experiencing


(A)trapped in(B)released from(C)dependent on(D)fond of



  How do you lose weight in the first place?—Mostly, through breathing.While the concept of “burning” fat is not altogether wrong, losing fat involves plenty of carbon dioxide leaving your body.As the Washington Post explains: Researchers found that to burn a pound of fat, a human needs to inhale about three pounds of oxygen and drink about a pound of water.Water can exit the body in plenty of ways—poop, pee, sweat, saliva and any number of bodily fluids— but your lungs handle the brunt of the weight loss.
  Your fat “goes” into the atmosphere.(And no, it doesn’t contribute to global warming.)When it does go, you’re also releasing the extra storage of vitamins and toxins along with it.That might not sound like a good thing, but in the long run it’s far better to be rid of them.As Popular Science states, a kind of pesticides, among other pollutants, are known to get bound up in fat—they leak into our food supply: Bodies don’t seem to store enough of these to become toxic, but the constant build-up leaves you vulnerable to exposure.And they do start to re-emerge when you lose weight.By losing weight at a healthy pace(1-2 pounds a week), the limited number of pollutants released will not overload your bloodstream.Your urine will make quick work of them.Extreme dieting is a different story.The more weight you lose, the more of these toxins enter your bloodstream.
  Since we no longer face the same problem as our ancestors—most of us don’t have to worry about whether or not we’lleat tonight, or tomorrow—fat storage plays a different role in our bodies than previously.Many avoidable health problems are due to this excessive storage of energy, hormones and toxins.Some researchers claim 70 percent of our medical problems can be addressed through a healthier lifestyle, which includes eating better and moving more.
41.According to the passage, how do human beings lose weight primarily?

(A)Through dieting(B)Through burning fat.(C)Through exercising(D)Through inhalation and exhalation.
42.Why did the author mention such things as “poop, pee, sweat, saliva, and any number of bodily fluids”?

(A)To illustrate how water goes out of human body. (B)To explain how water is consumed by human body. (C)To demonstrate what water does to help humans exercise. (D)To indicate what bodily organs are related to the intake of water.
43.According to the passage, which of the followings can be considered an example of the "toxins"?

44.According to the passage, why is it NOT a good idea to lose weight extremely?

(A)One may feel light-headed easily.(B)The bloodstream will be full of fat. (C)The bloodstream may become overloaded with pollutants. (D)One may instead intake much more food than one really needs.
45.According to the passage, how are we different from our old ancestors?

(A)We store fats in different ways(B)We need not worry about food supply. (C)We are exposed to much more pollutants(D)We usually eat better and move more daily.

  Two of the wealthiest African-American men in America live in Chicago, with its large African-American middle- class community.Because both men are named Johnson, their names and businesses are sometimes each confused with the other, aggravating both men.Each is justifiably proud of the business he has created for himself and the position it gives him in African-American cultural, social, and business life.
  George Johnson is the founder of Johnson Products Company, which manufactures cosmetics.The Johnson Products Company is one of the largest African-American owned companies in the United States, and it is also one of the most successful.Its founders and its corporate officers are proud of the company’s position.They also feel a certain pride because the Johnson Products Company was among the first companies to realize that African-Americans in America were a distinct market group, with distinct needs, and with the affluence to buy and support products aimed at meeting their needs.The Johnson Products cosmetics are all designed for the needs of African-Americans.
  John Johnson is the founder of Johnson Publishing Company, the largest African-American owned publishing company in the nation.As an office boy at Supreme Life Insurance, Johnson was assigned to maintain a file of news clippings about the achievements of African-Americans, and he noticed that there was no national newspaper or magazine devoted to coverage of African-American news.He borrowed the printing equipment at the life insurance offices, and he raised money for advertisements by mortgaging his mother’s furniture.He knew he was going to make it when $6,000 worth of subscriptions poured in for his first issue.His monthly Negro Digest made him wealthy enough to launch a second publication, Ebony, which was even more successful than his first.Ebony has one and a third million subscribers.In fact, the company had been worth more than $60 million because the company has branched into real estate, banking, and insurance.The officers and owners are proud that this success has come from serving the African- American community, once again proving its power as a market.Life magazine, which Ebony followed in its use of large photographs, has ceased publication, but Ebony keeps rolling off the presses every week.In a word, Johnson Publishing Company is an iconic part of American and African American history.
46.What is the main idea of this passage?

(A)To provide a short biography of two of the richest African-American men in America. (B)To discuss how John Johnson manages Johnson Publishing Company well. (C)To describe how George Johnson runs Johnson Product Company successfully. (D)To compare why George Johnson runs business better than John Johnson does.
47.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)The Johnson Products Co.is one of the largest African-American companies in the U.S. (B)Ebony magazine provided John Johnson with the initial capital to start Negro Digest. (C)John Johnson started out as an office boy.(D)Ebony magazine has over a million subscribers.
48.What can be inferred from this passage?

(A)Ebony imitated Life magazine in an attempt to appeal to White-American audiences. (B)The African-American population is not big enough to support a product aimed at them only. (C)Life magazine began to imitate Ebony in order to increase the number of its subscribers. (D)Both Johnsons believed there was a product market in the African-American community.
49.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A)Johnson Publishing Company publishes only books written by African-American authors. (B)The African-American market was mostly ignored prior to the Johnson's success. (C)Johnson Publishing Company is the third largest publishing house in the United States. (D)Johnson Publishing Company took over Life to dominate American magazine business.
50.What does the word “affluence” mean in the passage?






  一、中翻英:Please translate the following passage into English(20分)

  二、英翻中:Please translate the following passage into Chinese(20分)
  Educational reforms worldwide are increasingly shaped by an evolving understanding of the pedagogical landscape, driven by technological advancements, shifts in socio-economic structures, and the imperative to nurture learners who are adaptable and resilient in the face of rapid changes.One trend at the forefront of educational reform is the transition from traditional rote learning methodologies to competency-based learning frameworks.These paradigms prioritize the development of an array of skills such as critical thinking, creativity, digital literacy, and socio-emotional learning, which are deemed essential for the 21st-century citizen.They represent a shift away from purely content-based education, advocating instead for a holistic development of learners, cognizant of the real-world complexities they will confront.

  Since the implementation of the Foreign Professional Recruitment and Employment Act in 2018, our government has been continuously optimizing and implementing various measures to attract international talent.Please identify some difficulties we are facing and provide your own suggestions and concrete proposals to address these difficulties(About 250 words).

1.In response to the company's unethical practices, consumers organized a widespread[ ], refusing to purchase their products.

2.Upon discovering the unjust treatment of marginalized communities, I felt a surge of[ ], prompting me to join the protest for social justice.

3.The esteemed judge will[ ]over the high-profile trial, ensuring an impartial legal process for all parties involved.

4.She delivered a/an[ ]lecture, presenting complex ideas in a logical manner that allowed the students to easily engage with the subject matter.

5.The hiker remained[ ]of venturing too close to the edge of the steep cliff, prioritizing their safety above any desire for a breathtaking view.

6.Despite their best efforts, the team's performance during the championship match was[ ]lackluster,resulting in a crushing defeat.

7.Smuggled migrants often face dangerous conditions and become[ ]to trafficking and other abuses at the hands of smugglers.

8.Slowing or stopping[ ]movements of people and goods across national borders is a top priority for law enforcement agencies in Southeast Asia.

9.Money laundering in crypto, though currently low, is expected to rapidly increase, enabling[ ]international criminal crimes.

10.The Argentine footballer arrived in China without a valid visa and had to wait at the airport for an[ ]one.


  Drug abuse is a pervasive issue that poses significant threats to individuals and society.The adverse effects of drug addiction can be[11], leading to physical and psychological harm.Substance abuse can deteriorate an individual's overall well-being and[12]their ability to function properly.The impact of drug abuse[13]beyond the individual.It places a burden on families, communities, and healthcare systems.Furthermore, the economic costs associated with drug abuse, including healthcare expenses and lost productivity, are[14].Drug addiction clearly takes a heavy[15]on the individual's physical health and their mental well-being.There is no question that addressing this issue is of great urgency.






  Space colonization, once a topic confined to science fiction, has now become a plausible idea.With rapid advancements in technology and growing interest from both public and private entities, the possibilities of humans establishing permanent settlements in space are gaining momentum.
  Space colonization is driven by the vision of expanding human presence beyond Earth and ensuring the long-term survival of our species.Scientists believe that establishing self-sustaining colonies on celestial bodies such as the Moon, Mars, or even asteroids could provide a solution to future challenges on Earth,including overpopulation and resource depletion.One of the main hurdles in space colonization is the development of reliable transportation systems.Achieving routine and affordable access to space is critical for large-scale migration.The emergence of reusable rocket technology has significantly lowered the cost of reaching orbit.Moreover, ongoing research on advanced propulsion systems, such as ion engines and nuclear propulsion, could further enhance our ability to travel longer distances within the solar system.Creating habitable environments in space is another essential aspect of colonization.This involves designing closedloop life support systems that can sustain human life for extended periods.NASA's International Space Station(ISS)serves as a crucial testing ground for developing and refining these technologies.Advances in areas like hydroponics, 3D printing, and energy generation have the potential to enable self-sufficient habitats in space.
  While the challenges are immense, space colonization offers several benefits.One significant advantage is the potential to exploit extraterrestrial resources.Asteroids, for instance, contain valuable metals like platinum and gold, as well as water ice, which can be utilized for life support and fuel production.By harnessing these resources, space settlers could establish sustainable economies and reduce dependence on Earth's limited reserves.The prospect of space migration also opens up new frontiers for scientific discovery.Studying celestial bodies firsthand can deepen our understanding of the universe and shed light on fundamental questions about the origin and nature of life.Furthermore, the development of technologies and methodologies required for space colonization could have far-reaching applications on Earth, benefiting industries such as medicine,energy, and materials science.
  In conclusion, space colonization has transitioned from science fiction to an attainable goal, opening up new possibilities for humanity.Unlocking the potential of space migration could mark a significant chapter in our history, allowing us to explore, flourish, and secure the long-term survival of our species beyond the limits of Earth.
16.According to the passage, which of the following is one of the main goals of space colonization?

(A)Establishing self-sustaining colonies on celestial bodies.(B)Expanding human presence on Earth. (C)Ensuring the long-term survival of extraterrestrial species.(D)Investigating the origin of the universe.
17.Which of the following is one potential benefit of space colonization mentioned in the passage?

(A)Reducing dependence on Earth's limited reserves.(B)Discovering new forms of extraterrestrial life. (C)Preserving the natural environment on Earth. (D)Promoting international collaboration in space exploration.
18.According to the passage, which of the following about space colonization is correct?

(A)Space colonization is mainly driven by the desire to study the origin and nature of life on Earth. (B)Reusable rocket technology has prominently contributed to lowering the cost of reaching space. (C)Closed-loop life support systems play an insignificant role in sustaining human life in space. (D)Space colonization has seemingly negligible potential benefits for certain industries like energy.
19.According to the passage, which of the following is a plausible inference?

(A)Space colonization will eliminate all possible challenges and risks associated with human survival in space.(B)The success of space colonization may depend exclusively on the availability of extraterrestrial resources. (C)Space colonization is likely to have the foreseeable potential to revolutionize various industries on Earth.(D)The development of space colonization technologies will lead to the immediate exploration of distant galaxies.
20.Which of the following can be considered the most suitable tone for this passage?






  The first element which differentiates human from animal existence is anegative one: the relative absence in man of instinctive regulation in theprocess of adaptation to the surrounding world.The mode of adaptation of theanimal to its world remains the same throughout.If its instinctive equipmentis no longer fit to cope successfully with a changing environment, the specieswill become extinct.The animal can adapt itself to changing conditions bychanging itself.In this fashion, it lives harmoniously, not in the sense ofabsence of struggle but in the sense that its inherited equipment makes it afixed and unchanging part of its world; it either fits in or dies out.


三、英文寫作:(45分)總字數限制:350 字以內。
  Write an essay of no more than 350 words to comment on the topic below.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Support your positionand discourse with reasoning and/or examples from readings, studies,experience, or observations.In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend largesums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains betweencities.Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing publictransport.

1.After winning the lottery, the life of this poor woman has turned from[ ]to riches.

2.At the climate summit, for the first time, the delegates decided to[ ]for the damage an overheating world is inflicting on poor countries.

3.The attempt is an implicit[ ]to public discontent after mass street protests against the restrictions.

4.When border tensions[ ], India staged a trade war of sorts against China.

5.Surviving cancer was a painful[ ]that taught me the true value of life.

6.The new CEO implemented several changes that differed significantly from those of her[ ].

7*Even if the cake looked delicious, John did not[ ]temptation and ordered something else.
本題答案: ◣A或B◥

(A)succumb to(B)submit to(C)subject to(D)subsist on
8.When he gave that series of lectures at the university last year, William received a nice[ ]for them.

9.The intensity of her emotions was[ ]and she had to take a moment to compose herself.

10.The attorney general’s office decided to[ ]the accused for the embezzlement of company funds.

11.As negotiations between the workers’ union and management[ ]over the proposed contract, tension began to rise and eventually led to a union conflict.

12.The thought of her unfaithful husband getting her possessions when she dies[ ]her.

13.My grandmother always[ ]the decline in moral standards in today’s society, and seeing all the crimes in the news, I really cannot blame her for that.

14.Carrie is such a serious animal-lover that she refuses to buy or use anything that is made of[ ]leather.

15.The company plans to invest in an[ ]wind farm to generate clean energy.


  Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have experienced the obsessive drive to persistently scroll through their news and social media feeds and pay attention to distressing, negative information about the new virus.This act is called doomscrolling.
  There are several contributing factors that may cause doomscrolling, which include negativity bias,uncertainty, anxiety and fear of missing out(FOMO).Negativity bias refers to people’s natural inclination to look for and read sad stories.Uncertainty refers to situations when an individual needs to know about a topic that is unclear or with multiple conflicting perspectives.Some people use doomscrolling to manage anxiety.However, the habit can also cause further anxiety.Doomscrolling may also be associated with FOMO, an anxious feeling you get when you find yourself having missed important information.
  The act of endlessly scrolling and seeing distressing information can affect your mental health by reinforcing negative thoughts and make you feel apprehensive and despondent.If you often find yourself lost in doomscrolling on social media or other news sites, there are some strategies you can try to stop it.First,block out time for social media.Blocking out a certain time in the day to check the news may be helpful.Setting boundaries on news intake, you can stay informed without getting totally overwhelmed.Second, get a hobby and exercise.People often use social media to alleviate boredom, which may result in doomscrolling.If you’re feeling bored, try doing leisure activities that you often enjoy.Next, seek more positive stories.Focusing on negative stories might intensify the sense of danger and catastrophe, so there has to be a balance.You can visit various websites that are dedicated to reporting positive stories, such as the Good News Network or Positive News.Reading the news to stay updated on current events is important, but doomscrolling is different from simply wanting to stay informed.The important thing is not to stay immersed in the misery — set limits and take breaks.
16.Which of the following best shows the organization of this passage?

(A)Problem → Strategies → Pros → Cons(B)Problem → Causes → Impacts → Solutions (C)Problem → Research → Causes → Effects(D)Problem → Strategies → Disagreements → Conclusion
17.Why does the author mention COVID-19 in the first paragraph?

(A)People stopped doomscrolling as the pandemic came to an end. (B)It was during the pandemic that the term “doomscrolling” was coined. (C)Misinformation about the virus spread quickly through doomscrolling. (D)People kept doomscrolling for information about this unknown disease.
18.Which of the following is the best example of “blocking out time for social media”?

(A)Reading a positive news story for every negative one. (B)Limiting news consumption to only 20 minutes in the morning. (C)Using apps that block your access to certain social media websites. (D)Doing moderate-intensity physical activity for 150 minutes a week.
19.Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to the word “despondent” in the third paragraph?

20.What can be inferred from this passage?

(A)To stop doomscrolling may take months or even years. (B)It’s not necessary for everyone to read to stay informed. (C)It’s natural that humans have the urge to seek bad news. (D)The impact of doomscrolling is mainly on physical health.





一、英譯中:(每小題 15分,共 30分)
  (一)Like many of you, the Association has observed the unfolding events with regard to President Donald Trump’s recent Executive Order regarding entry to the United States with trepidation and concern.The order raises immediate and legitimate fears and concerns in relation to issues of immigration, refugees, human rights, and religious discrimination.
  (二)We are saddened by the tragic loss of life and harm caused during the deadly shooting at Michigan State University, and we offer our deepest condolences to the families, friends, and communities of the victims.The shooting comes as a stark reminder of the tragedy of gun violence and is just the latest in a long string of similarly traumatic events at U.S.schools and higher education institutions.These traumatic events call for urgent attention.Together we must ensure that students and educators, whether at school, on campus, or elsewhere, are able to live and thrive safely and securely.

  AI 正急速成為眾多機構的競爭優勢。透過人工智慧,企業能在更短時間內完成更多工作,打造個人化的客戶體驗,並且預測業績,進而提高獲利能力。然而,AI 仍屬新興技術,且極為複雜。要充分發揮 AI 的潛能,您需要具備構建和管理大規模 AI 解決方案的專業知識。企業必須選擇正確的工具,實施適當的流程並採取適切的管理策略,以確保 AI 的成功運用。

1.The virus can be spread through coughing or sneezing, and this makes it highly[ ].

2.This is a description of the[ ]period from an agricultural to an industrial society.

3.The dispute is a contest between these two countries[ ]control of the region.

4.In a highly industrialized society, people tend to feel[ ]and lonely because it is not easy to form a close relationship among people.

5.Only people wearing[ ]can be admitted to the graduation ceremony.

6.Every new employee is required to get familiar with the entire product[ ]in one week.

7.Of the five politicians criticized, only one was[ ]enough to apologize to the public.

8.Mexico has always had all the elements of an[ ]vacation destination: fantastic beaches and beautiful hotels.

9.Good[ ]helps a business to build better relationships with its customers.

10.You had better not drink that milk.I think it[ ]several days ago.

11.Influenza is a highly[ ]disease.It can easily be passed on to people around.

12.Whole fruits and vegetables[ ]their vitamins and other nutrients longer than those that have been cut and sliced.

13.Injuries and death can be effectively prevented if more harsh[ ]are to be enforced on drunk driving.

14.The furniture company already committed to making all its new products from eco-friendly, renewable and[ ]materials.

15.About 600 residents were safely evacuated from their village before the volcano started to[ ].


  Bertie, a dog, had been left in a car in direct sunlight on the roof level of the multistory car park in Saffron Walden at midday yesterday.Firefighters were called to[16 ]it from a boiling car after supermarket staff couldn’t find its owner.While Bertie was[17]in the car, its owner was shopping in the supermarket.Firefighters then broke a window to[18 ]it.DogsTrust, a dog welfare charity,[19]that pets can die in just 20 minutes if left in a hot car, even if the windows are left open.Saffron Walden Fire Station is now urging pet owners to keep pet safety and welfare in mind, as the UK is set for soaring[20]this weekend.






  We know that a lack of sleep will prevent your brain from being able to make new memories, so it’s[21]without sleep the memory inbox of the brain shuts down and you can’t commit new experiences to memory.So those new[22]informational emails are just bounced.You can’t essentially make and create those new memories.We also know that a lack of sleep will[23]an increased development of a toxic protein in the brain and that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.It is during deep sleep at night[24]a sewage system within the brain starts to wash away this toxic protein.So if you’re not getting[25]sleep each and every night, more of that Alzheimer’s-related protein will build up.

(A)as to(B)as if(C)as usual(D)as for


(A)attribute to(B)result from(C)originate from(D)lead to







  Security checks of cargo, mail, etc., imported and exported by air are carried out to ensure the flight safety of the cargo mail loaded on the aircraft, in which all cargo and mail must be inspected in situ or from a secure supply chain before being loaded onto the aircraft.The aim is to ensure that there are no items, such as explosive devices, that could be used to commit acts of unlawful interference.


  In 2020, Eva Air initiated a flight to scratch the travel itch when planes were grounded for the global pandemic.The flight took off from Taoyuan Airport, stayed in the sky for three hours, without going to a destination,and circled back to the same airport.Please explain why people enjoy traveling by air so much that such a mimicry flight is worth it.Please write the response in between 250 and 300 words.

1.While many environmental organizations around the world are working to solve the climate crisis,[ ], some governments simply ignore global warming issues.

2.Scientists have warned that if human beings failed to stop abusing natural resources on the earth,many species would soon be pushed to the[ ]of extinction.

3.The doctor warned Alex that his diet contained too[ ]fat, which was the main cause of his overweight and other physical health problems.

4.Even in a racially[ ]community, people can still be diverse in political ideology, belief, diet,interests, etc.

5.If you sign into this online portal, you may join multiple meetings[ ]and do not have to worry that you are unable to participate in several meetings at the same time.

6.The drug can temporarily[ ]patients’ pains but it cannot cure this disease radically.

7.It’s been two weeks since the body was found, but the police have so far been unable to[ ]who the victim is, let alone arrest the murderer.

8.Language ambiguity has been under heated discussion and will continue to receive[ ]attention in academic conferences.

9.The crime rate in this region of the country has been reduced[ ]due to the increased frequency of police patrolling.

10.Affording the[ ]of medical and health care for the residents in this area is crucial for resolving the spread of the diseases.

11.Global warming is bound to affect rainfall patterns, though there is[ ]disagreement about its precise effects.

12.When Gemma’s two friends offered to give her a lift to the bus station[ ], she really had no idea whose offer to accept.

13.Nina decided not to see her former boyfriend again because she did not want to give him any[ ]hope for making up their relationship.

14.The speech about hazards within a community has[ ]the audience up into a panic.

15.Collins made her[ ]in the city’s concert hall.Her violin performance was highly praised for the first time.

16.The country was concerned that its[ ]and cultural identity would be harmed by the treaty.

17.A critical goal of the Highway Administration is to help the Nation’s transportation workforce recognize and[ ]significant causes of early asphalt pavement distress.

18.After quarrelling with each other for a long time without a conclusion, Beth and Denise decided to[ ]and become friends again.

(A)beat around the brush(B)bite the bullet(C)break a leg(D)bury the hatchet
19.Ian often does things that others won’t do.He’s therefore viewed as a person who is weird and[ ].

20.Donald is still[ ], but it’s a matter of time when he will become an experienced worker in the shipping company one day.

(A)wet behind the ears(B)green with envy(C)paying an arm and a leg(D)touching his heart

  Although it started as a produce market, the Covent Garden shopping area in London is now filled with many interesting shops.[21]in 1661, Covent Garden soon became the market for London and the country’s southeast, and all the main shops and restaurants bought their fruits, flowers, and vegetables there.In the 1920s,[22], Covent Garden’s market closed.For many years, the large warehouse and surrounding areas remained[23].Then, in the 1960s, new shops began to open.By the 1980s, the large market building[24]a shopping center.Today, many stores sell fashionable clothing, perfumes, books,and gifts for the home.These stores[25]inside the original market building and along the streets nearby.Once again, Covent Garden is a popular shopping area.

(A)Building(B)Established(C)Having found(D)To be set up



(A)was reopened as(B)had launched for(C)has kicked off(D)wrapped up for

(A)are placing(B)had positioned(C)are located(D)have situated
  Record companies and film studios have had to learn to live with internet piracy.[26]their best attempts to close sites or co-opt them, pirated copies of their wares are easily available.Increasingly,the[27]is true of scientific papers.On June 21st 2017, a court in New York awarded Elsevier, a big scientific publisher, $15 million in damages for copyright[28]by Sci-Hub and the Library of Genesis,two websites that offer tens of millions of scientific papers and books for anyone to download.Both sites are increasingly popular with scientists, who use them to[29]pricy paywalls and subscriptions.Alexandra Elbakyan, who[30]Sci-Hub in 2011, did not turn up for the trial, but did send a letter outlining her reasons for starting the site.

(A)Despite(B)Due to(C)Because of(D)Though





  Since the 1990s, a prolific amount of memoirs written and published about the lives of girls and women in the third world appeared in the market, telling the stories of their wretched girlhood or womanhood.Those stories often depict miserable lives under the dictatorship of strict regimes or by the[31]of traditional cultural practices such as genital cutting.In the narration of these lives, girls and women usually suffer from different forms of gender violence.But a clear majority of those stories also[32 ]a bright side by turning those victims into heroines.They exhibit how those unfortunate girls and women eventually survive through those terrible ordeals or stand on their own two feet by fighting against all the odds.[33]are especially able to change things for themselves as well as their fellows of the same gender.As the first in the series, Desert Flower is Dirie’s(auto)biography detailing her combat with the[34]of female genital mutilation(FGM).In her third book,[35], Dirie works together with several allies to launch an investigation into the practice of FGM and explore the possibility of related juridical protection of girls’/women's rights in several European countries.Dirie’s true story is a living proof that anyone can succeed in overcoming all the obstacles if they’re brave and determined and have faith in themselves.



(A)The later(B)The latest(C)The latter(D)The last



  Fuel poverty occurs when a household is unable to afford the most basic amount of energy for adequate heating, cooking, lighting, and use of appliances in the home.According to European University Institute, in 2011, 9.8% of households in the EU27 countries and 15.8% of households in the 12 new member states could not afford to heat their homes adequately.Thus, fuel poverty is an increasingly serious problem across Europe and requires the intervention of policymakers.
  In particular, corrective measures have been implemented which aim to help fuel-poor households pay their energy bills, and preventive policies have also been introduced, which focus more on improving residential energy efficiency.Debates about the effectiveness of these measures have ensued for several reasons; mainly because energy retrofit renovations have often been undertaken by wealthier households.Thus, despite these measures, given the expected increase in the cost of energy, some could find it difficult or even impossible to satisfy their energy needs.As a prerequisite to discussions about the effectiveness of different measures to fight fuel poverty, debates have often focused on the need to reliably identify fuelpoor households and create a detailed profile of such households.In fact, the multidimensionality of fuel poverty makes it difficult to achieve this.
  Fuel poverty has traditionally been treated as a monetary poverty problem.At European Union level,there is no common definition or standardized indicator for assessing fuel poverty.While there is a large body of literature on measuring poverty, consensus has not yet been reached on the related methodological and conceptual issues.However, households affected by fuel poverty are not always the same as those affected by monetary problems, even if the two phenomena are inextricably linked.
  In this context, we suggest that a more careful and systematic understanding can be developed through a multidimensional approach to the relationship between monetary poverty, residential energy efficiency of buildings, and heating restrictions.Our objective in this paper is not to challenge existing measures of fuel poverty, but provide new ways to better identify those who suffer the most from fuel poverty in order to optimize policy.We argue this is needed to better identify the connection between energy use and well-being and therefore deepen understanding of energy poverty.
36.Which of the following is the best title of the paper in which the passage above appears?

(A)Overthrowing the Myth of Fuel Poverty in Europe.(B)Toward a Monetary Understanding of Fuel Poverty. (C)The Debate on Fuel Poverty in the European Union. (D)A Multidimensional Approach to Measuring Fuel Poverty.
37.Where is the above passage most likely to appear in the paper?

(A)Introduction(B)Method.(C)Results and discussions(D)Conclusion.
38.What policy has been taken to avoid fuel insufficiency problems of low-income households?

(A)Drawing the debate on fuel poverty to an end. (B)Importing more natural gas from other countries such as Russia. (C)Elevating the energy efficiency level of low-income households. (D)Lowering the price of electricity or natural gas in the winter.
39.To which of the following statements about fuel poverty do the authors of this paper disagree?

(A)It is mainly caused by higher prices of natural gas. (B)It is mainly a financial problem of low-income households. (C)It is difficult to define, so a more comprehensive view is needed. (D)It affects mainly low-income households in winter.
40.What is the authors’ main purpose in the paper?

(A)To challenge existing measures of fuel poverty.(B)To reduce energy dependence on natural gas. (C)To provide a deeper understanding of fuel poverty.(D)To explain the monetary basis of fuel poverty.





  Our social media posts are tied to our identities.That means attacking someone’s content can be perceived as a personal attack, says Dr.Wardle of First Draft News.That could make them double down.“It’s about having empathy for why somebody might believe something, rather than saying ‘you’re wrong,’” says Dr.Wardle.In lieu of lecturing, empathetic outreach could focus on a user’s online actions or behaviors rather than their content.Dr.Wardle suggests invoking a shared commitment to a healthier democracy,such as, “I’m worried that maybe this is a deliberate tactic to try and make us angry, or to divide us, or to confuse us.” Correcting false content online is nonpartisan action.It requires everyone’s vigilance, as we can all fall prey to our emotions, confirmation bias, and other mental shortcuts.As Dr.Wardle says, “It’s not a Republican problem, it’s not a Democrat problem.It affects all of us.”

二、中譯英:請將下面這段中文譯成正確、流暢的英文(20分)根據聯合國人口司 2018年公布的數據顯示,全球住在城市人口比率為55.3%,預估 2050年住在城市人口比率更可能高達 68.4%,等於全世界三分之二的人口皆住在城市中。隨著大量人口居住在都市,導致城市規模也越來越龐大,同時因人口增加,也帶來糧食危機。如何有效運用城市空間創造價值?建置在城市底下的農場或許是未來世界農業的新型態之一。舉例來說,有家叫 Metro Farm 的公司就建置在地鐵站裡,縮短糧食運輸過程,也減少運送糧食所帶來的成本,或許是其中一個解方。此模式可大幅縮減食品配送過程中會產生碳足跡,透過設置在商店、咖啡廳旁的商店,直接把蔬菜送上客人的餐桌,也間接達到了永續的理念。

三、英文作文:請根據下面的說明寫一篇約 250 字的英文作文(35分)
  Write an essay in response to the following passage to answer this question:
  What role should AI technology play in terms of our country’s safeguarding national security and maintaining its financial order?
  “The new AI technology could be ‘weaponized’ and used against democratic societies by mining private data or spreading false information; the corruption of our information system leads to the corruption of our democracy.It is not a freedom-of-speech issue but a safety issue.Inaction by democratic countries would lead to significant harm.”

1.After winning the lottery, the life of this poor woman has turned from[ ]to riches.

2.At the climate summit, for the first time, the delegates decided to[ ]for the damage an overheating world is inflicting on poor countries.

3.The attempt is an implicit[ ]to public discontent after mass street protests against the restrictions.

4.When border tensions[ ], India staged a trade war of sorts against China.

5.Surviving cancer was a painful[ ]that taught me the true value of life.

6.The new CEO implemented several changes that differed significantly from those of her[ ].

7*Even if the cake looked delicious, John did not[ ]temptation and ordered something else.
本題答案: ◣A或B◥

(A)succumb to(B)submit to(C)subject to(D)subsist on
8.When he gave that series of lectures at the university last year, William received a nice[ ]for them.

9.The intensity of her emotions was[ ]and she had to take a moment to compose herself.

10.The attorney general’s office decided to[ ]the accused for the embezzlement of company funds.

11.As negotiations between the workers’ union and management[ ]over the proposed contract, tension began to rise and eventually led to a union conflict.

12.The thought of her unfaithful husband getting her possessions when she dies[ ]her.

13.My grandmother always[ ]the decline in moral standards in today’s society, and seeing all the crimes in the news, I really cannot blame her for that.

14.Carrie is such a serious animal-lover that she refuses to buy or use anything that is made of[ ]leather.

15.The company plans to invest in an[ ]wind farm to generate clean energy.


  Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have experienced the obsessive drive to persistently scroll through their news and social media feeds and pay attention to distressing, negative information about the new virus.This act is called doomscrolling.
  There are several contributing factors that may cause doomscrolling, which include negativity bias,uncertainty, anxiety and fear of missing out(FOMO).Negativity bias refers to people’s natural inclination to look for and read sad stories.Uncertainty refers to situations when an individual needs to know about a topic that is unclear or with multiple conflicting perspectives.Some people use doomscrolling to manage anxiety.However, the habit can also cause further anxiety.Doomscrolling may also be associated with FOMO, an anxious feeling you get when you find yourself having missed important information.
  The act of endlessly scrolling and seeing distressing information can affect your mental health by reinforcing negative thoughts and make you feel apprehensive and despondent.If you often find yourself lost in doomscrolling on social media or other news sites, there are some strategies you can try to stop it.First,block out time for social media.Blocking out a certain time in the day to check the news may be helpful.Setting boundaries on news intake, you can stay informed without getting totally overwhelmed.Second, get a hobby and exercise.People often use social media to alleviate boredom, which may result in doomscrolling.If you’re feeling bored, try doing leisure activities that you often enjoy.Next, seek more positive stories.Focusing on negative stories might intensify the sense of danger and catastrophe, so there has to be a balance.You can visit various websites that are dedicated to reporting positive stories, such as the Good News Network or Positive News.
  Reading the news to stay updated on current events is important, but doomscrolling is different from simply wanting to stay informed.The important thing is not to stay immersed in the misery — set limits and take breaks.
16.Which of the following best shows the organization of this passage?

(A)Problem → Strategies → Pros → Cons(B)Problem → Causes → Impacts → Solutions (C)Problem → Research → Causes → Effects(D)Problem → Strategies → Disagreements → Conclusion
17.Why does the author mention COVID-19 in the first paragraph?

(A)People stopped doomscrolling as the pandemic came to an end. (B)It was during the pandemic that the term “doomscrolling” was coined. (C)Misinformation about the virus spread quickly through doomscrolling. (D)People kept doomscrolling for information about this unknown disease.
18.Which of the following is the best example of “blocking out time for social media”?

(A)Reading a positive news story for every negative one.(B)Limiting news consumption to only 20 minutes in the morning. (C)Using apps that block your access to certain social media websites. (D)Doing moderate-intensity physical activity for 150 minutes a week.
19.Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to the word “despondent” in the third paragraph?

20.What can be inferred from this passage?

(A)To stop doomscrolling may take months or even years. (B)It’s not necessary for everyone to read to stay informed. (C)It’s natural that humans have the urge to seek bad news. (D)The impact of doomscrolling is mainly on physical health.





  Belgium is banning the video sharing app TikTok from government phonesover worries about cybersecurity, privacy and misinformation, mirroringrecent action by other authorities in Europe and the US.The tussle overTikTok is part of a wider global rivalry between China and the US and itsWestern allies over technological and economic supremacy.

  美國聯準會七月底升息 25個百分點至 22年來的高點,繼續對抗不斷上升的通膨。儘管已經實施了 11 次升息,但美國經濟仍然保持強勁。聯準會主席鮑威爾表示,經濟仍需放緩,勞動力市場疲軟,通膨才能可靠回到美國央行 2%的目標。

三、英文作文:請根據下面的說明寫一篇約 200 字的英文作文(20分)
  The following is a news report in July of this year: “Top firms from 2027 need report on sustainability.A total of 83 Taiwanese publicly listed companies with paid-in capital addingup to more than NT$10 billion would be required to compile a sustainabilityreport from 2026, and disclose the reports from 2027, the FinancialSupervisory Commission(FSC)said on Thursday.”
  The preceding announcement of the commission is expected to haveimplications for the corporate governance and development of the top firms inTaiwan.Write a short essay of no more than 200 words to express youropinions of the sustainability requirement by the FSC, while explaining whatyou know about the requirement and addressing how the new policy mightaffect the major companies and the economic prospects of Taiwan.

1.The mall was easily[ ]by bus, which was the reason why many people like to shop here.

2.Veterans entering the civilian[ ]are likely to have strong technical prowess that will help them greatly in business operations.

3.It’s a recipe for disaster when electricity demand peaks[ ]with supply shortages during extreme heat or cold spells.

4.The thriving city has been[ ]by frequent bombing raids in the past few months.

5.Some city police stations used this patented system to make predictions about who might be a victim or a[ ]of a violent crime.

6.The treaty stipulates that outer space is not[ ]to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty or by means of use or occupation.

7.The research team was[ ]of the new findings until they could be replicated in multiple studies.

8.Though facing numerous setbacks, the[ ]athlete refused to let go his dream of winning the championship.

9.The settled values of rural England were disappearing under the impact of the[ ]Industrial Revolution.

10.Though the speaker prided himself on his piety toward God, he is a religious[ ]in many people’s eyes.

11.The dean told the girl[ ]that she had failed all her exams and would be expelled from college.

12.A proverb is a(n)[ ]statement that expresses a lucid truth or a practical rule.

13.We must take action to[ ]the natural habitats of endangered species and protect them from extinction.

14.The two teams agreed to[ ]players for the season, hoping to strengthen their rosters and improve their chances of winning.

15.The principal’s stern warning was enough to[ ]any further disruptions in the classroom.

16.The professor’s[ ]lecture on quantum physics left the students both awestruck and bewildered.

17.All mistargeted efforts having been made to cover up the scandal, the popularity of the government has[ ]to a new low in recent weeks.

18.Jane will ask the designer to[ ]the cost of remodeling her apartment to see if she can afford it.

19.Nutritionists have always advised us today not to consume excessive[ ]fat which research has shown to be clogging our veins.

20.The company is[ ]as their revenue decreases at an all-time low owing to their inability to generate more incomes from various sources.

(A)breaking a leg(B)bleeding red ink(C)drinking like a fish(D)raining cats and dogs
21.This restaurant is known for its food[ ]as they provide many different kinds of dishes and cuisines.

22.The environmental groups decided to[ ]the government to enact stronger regulations on carbon emission from factories.

23.For products on the market, you will find the price of the generic brand is significantly lower than that of the[ ]brand.

24.As a skillful mechanic, Tim has the[ ]to deal with malfunctions in various machines.

25.The teacher’s pedagogical approach, with its emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving,[ ]a love of learning in her students.

26.My mother was fine this morning, but the funeral of her uncle in the afternoon really[ ]her up.

27.Once you open the bottle, olive oil will[ ]quickly; it’s better to use it within 60 days.

28.The term “social omnivore” refers to a person who is a vegetarian at home but will[ ]of meat when out with friends.

29.The renowned artist was thrilled to receive a[ ]from wealthy art collectors to create a statue for their private collection.

30.Luxury experts manifest remarkable abilities in detecting fakes, especially[ ]handbags and watches.


  Common experience suggests that some events are predetermined.Decay, death, the round of the seasons, the[31]rhythms of life and of the heavens are genuinely inescapable.Three problems[32]; first, how are inevitable changes related to one another?Are they all ordained by a single cause?Secondly, if so, where does this power of irreversible action come from?Finally,what are its limits?Does it control everything that happens, or are some possibilities open to human endeavour, or left to chance?Can fate be conquered or at least temporarily mastered or induced to[33]its operations?
  Generally speaking, human nature tends to deny fate or limit its supposed power;[34], there is little incentive for all the constructive endeavours which seem typical of our species.However, experience is broadly[35].Fatalism has permeated throughout the history, as Marcus Aurelius put it: “Whatever may happen to thee, it was prepared for thee from all eternity; and the implication of causes was from eternity sinning the thread of thy being… It was all part of the great web.”






  Picture the scene: you’ve spent years working towards a specific goal.You’ve put in countless hours of work and made many sacrifices, but now you’ve got there and it’s not how you imagined.Instead of celebration, elation and pride,you feel emptiness, confusion and doubt.
  Welcome to the anti-climax.The often-experienced but seldom-discussed downside of achieving life’s biggest milestones.Many of us work tirelessly towards our goals.We may spend our lives dreaming of the day we get married,publish our first book or purchase our first home.However, often, when we achieve these things, it doesn’t feel quite as expected.In fact, the achievement of these goals feels a bit of a letdown.
  So why do we often experience an anti-climax when achieving big goals?“An anti-climax can be an unexpected by-product of a milestone achievement,” says psychotherapist Rachel Vora.“Usually, the more significant the milestone,the greater the anti-climax may be.The journey to achieving a milestone can be exciting and all-consuming in addition to giving us a robust sense of purpose and focus.Therefore, when this disappears overnight, we can often feel lost and confused, despite feeling proud of our achievement.”
  When this happens, it can prompt a cocktail of complicated emotions.The intensity of an anti-climax depends onour preconceived ideas and expectations of what this achievement means.Falsely believing that we’ll feel drastically different afterwards or that our feelings of low self-worth will disappear, is rarely the case.
36.According to this passage, which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “elation”?

37.According to the passage, what is the relationship between the significance of a milestone and the intensity of the anti-climax?

(A)The more crucial the milestone is, the stronger our purpose and focus will be. (B)Important milestones reduce anti-climaxes. (C)The more vital the milestone is, the greater the anti-climax may be. (D)Milestone importance doesn’t affect anti-climax intensity.
38.According to the passage, what can an anti-climax induce?

(A)Cocktail recipes(B)Intricate emotions.(C)Innovative ideas(D)Preconceived expectations.
39.Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?

40.According to the passage, what can people feel after experiencing an anti-climax?

(A)More motivated to achieve future goals.(B)Lost and confused. (C)No emotions at all.(D)An overwhelming sense of satisfaction.



【注意事項】1.本試題共 40 題,第1 至 20 題為單一選擇題;第21 至 40 題為多重選擇題。2.單一選擇題:每題 2分,所列的四個備選答案,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的,將正確或最適當的答案選出,然後用 2B 鉛筆在答案卡上同一題號答案位置的長方格範圍塗黑。答對者每題給 2分;答錯者倒扣 1/3 題分;不答者以零分計。3.多重選擇題:每題 3分,所列的五個備選答案,至少有一個是正確或最適當的,將正確或最適當的答案選出,然後用 2B 鉛筆在答案卡上同一題號答案位置的長方格範圍塗黑。 答對者每題給 3分;答對每一選項者,各獲得 1/5 題分;答錯每一選項者,各倒扣 1/5 題分;完全不答者以零分計。

一、單一選擇題:(每題 2分,共 40分)
1.How long[ ]English?

(A)do you learn(B)are you learning(C)have you been learning(D)you learn
2*The best way to learn a language is[ ]a little every day.
本題答案: ◣A或D◥

(A)speaking(B)in speaking(C)to speaking(D)by speaking
3.You[ ]better see a doctor.

4.Can you tell me when[ ]?

(A)the train leaves(B)does the train leave(C)leaves the train(D)does leave the train
5.She has been[ ]of murdering her husband.

6.They have put speed bumps on the road to[ ]accidents.

7.The tree[ ]by lightning.

(A)was flashed(B)struck(C)was struck(D)flashed
8.The police chief[ ]John for his negligence because he caused damage to agency property.

9.According to historical data, car thefts in a particular[ ]are reported at an annual rate of 2.5 thefts per 1,000 cars.

10.How could they charge you five thousand dollars for delivery?It was nothing less than[ ].

(A)piracy(B)blackmail(C)money laundering(D)forgery

  Qs 11-15: Choose one word or phrase that best completes the context.The government urged people who are planning to work in Southeast Asia to exercise extra[11], as Taiwanese jobseekers were reportedly abused and coerced into engaging in fraudulent activities in Cambodia.Promises of free round-trip tickets, favorable treatment and a salary of more than NT$100,000 per month had Taiwanese[12]the employment scam.As fraud rings excel[13]enticing people by promising them benefits that they will never see, anyone could have been targeted,[14]nationality or background.As for deterrence measures, it is high time for Taiwan to impose stricter laws and harsher punishments for scammers and their accomplices.Most scammers convicted in Taiwan receive jail sentences of less than a year, while money mules typically receive less than four months in prison, and the[15rate is high.


(A)falling for(B)bumping into(C)responding to(D)clamping down


(A)respective of(B)regarding(C)in terms of(D)regardless of


Qs 16-20: Answer the questions on the basis of the following paragraph.
  Pickpockets operate most effectively when there are prospective victims in either heavily congested areas or in lonely places.In heavily populated areas, the large number of people around them covers the activities of these thieves.In lonely spots, they have the advantage of working unobserved.The main factor in the pickpocket's success is the selection of the right victim.A pickpocket's victim must, at the time of the crime, be inattentive, distracted, or unconscious.If any of these conditions exist, and if the pickpocket is skilled in his operations, the stage is set for a successful larceny.With the coming of big events, such as large concerts or marketing campaigns, the crowds move towards these activities and so do most of the pickpockets.However, some pickpockets will remain in certain areas all year around.They will concentrate on theater districts, bus and railroad terminals, hotels, or large shopping centers.A complete knowledge of the methods of this type of criminal and the ability to recognize them come only from long years of experience in performing patient surveillance and trailing of them.This knowledge is essential for the effective control and apprehension of this type of thief.
16.According to the above paragraph, the pickpocket is LEAST likely to operate in a‧

(A)baseball park with a full capacity attendance(B)subway station in a remote area late at night (C)moderately populated dance hall(D)over-crowded department store
17.According to the above paragraph, one of the following factors which is NOT necessary for the successful operation of the pickpocket is‧

(A)his proficiency in the operations required to pickpockets (B)that the right potential victims be those who have been the subject of such a theft previously (C)that his operations be hidden from the view of others (D)that the potential victim be unaware of the actions of the pickpocket
18.According to the above paragraph, it would be MOST correct to conclude that police officers who are successful in apprehending pickpockets‧

(A)are generally those who have had lengthy experience in recognizing all types of criminals. (B)must, by intuition, be able to recognize potential right victims. (C)must be able to predict the future actions of pickpockets using psychic abilities. (D)must have acquired specific knowledge and skills in this field.
19.What is the best title for this passage?

(A)How to Become a Successful Pickpocket (B)Understanding Pickpocketing: Targets, Methods and Apprehension (C)The Art of Pickpocketing: Mastering the Skills for Success (D)The Benefits of Pickpocketing
20.The word “prospective”, as used in line 1 of the paragraph, most nearly, means‧


二、多重選擇題:(每題 3分,共 60分)
21.Please choose the words related to “felony”.

22.Please choose the words related to “kidnap”.

23.What are the synonyms of “fraud”?

24.Please choose the synonyms of “lawyer”.

25.The public police of every country are the[ ]of the peculiar social, economic, and political history of that country.

26.Money laundering is the illegal process of making large amounts of money generated by criminal activity, such as[ ], appear to have come from a legitimate source.(Please choose the possible words.)

(A)drug trafficking(B)terrorist funding(C)propagation(D)endorsement(E)procrastination
27.He must[ ]the contract, because if not, we will bring an action against him.

(A)abide by(B)comply with(C)follow(D)stick to(E)according to
28.The thief tried to[ ]the policeman of complete integrity but to no avail.

(A)buy out(B)buy off(C)bribe(D)bribery(E)give a bribe to
29.The firefighter put his life[ ]in order to save the trapped boy.

(A)in hatred(B)in jeopardy(C)in danger(D)in harvest(E)at risk
30.Peter[ ]stealing Mary’s car.

(A)was accused of(B)was in a charge of (C)was charged with(D)was indicted for(E)was under an accusation of
31.The residents[ ]the construction of the nuclear plant.

(A)oppose to(B)are opposed to(C)object to(D)are against(E)oppose
32.There was a severe typhoon coming the night before the first day of school.As a result, many school opening ceremonies were[ ].

(A)called off(B)canceled(C)approved(D)kept(E)consented
33.The train[ ]with daily commuters.

(A)crowded(B)was crowded(C)was jammed(D)was packed(E)was filled
34.Please choose the synonyms of “gangster”.

35.What are the synonyms of “abuse”?

36.What are the synonyms of “siege”?

37.Human Trafficking is the[ ], or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.(Please choose the possible words.)

38.They caught the thief[ ]and committed him to the police.

(A)innocent(B)on the spot(C)on the scene(D)in the act of his stealing(E)red-handed
39.The suspect faced a[ ]charge for assaulting the victim with a deadly weapon.

(A)felony(B)libel(C)serious crime(D)forgery(E)defamation
40.Taipei District Court could not try Gary Huang for kidnapping because it did not have jurisdiction.Jurisdiction most nearly means.

(A)custody(B)probable cause(C)reasonable doubt(D)authority(E)governance




26.The[ ]shooting in the shopping mall resulted in 5 deaths.

27.The fire broke out during the busiest office hours; luckily, the staff was well trained for such[ ].

28.Firefighters[ ]the children through the windows of the burning apartment.

29.The earthquake warning system will[ ]you before the strongest shaking arrives.

30.Unless we install more speed cameras, the speed limits on this stretch of road will be difficult to[ ].

31.[ ]from the accident site will be sent to the nearest hospital.

32.The traffic policewoman had Linda[ ]while doing her speed patrols because Linda had driven too fast and violated the traffic regulation.

(A)broken in(B)called off(C)pulled over(D)rolled out
33.A person’s right to freedom is[ ]if s/he commits a crime and is convicted by a court of law as guilty.

34.The traffic police officer had a vehicle[ ]because it was being parked illegally on the road.

(A)eased off(B)plugged in(C)towed away(D)wiped off
35.The police try very hard to find the evidence to convict the murderer.They[ ]on the most likely suspect who cannot provide the alibi.

(A)do a runner(B)drop the hammer(C)cop a plea(D)beat the rap
36.The woman who was riding a scooter refused to be investigated by the police.She was hence sent to the police station in[ ].

37.Vicky was found smuggling the cocaine[ ]during a police raid in a hotel.

38.Tim commits[ ]as he set fire to scooters that had parked outside the apartment, causing flame and heavy smoke inside the building that killed many people.

39.The police’s mission is to safeguard people’s daily life from being[ ]by criminals.

40.When Peggy received a message on her cell phone, informing her of picking up her ordered package, she was[ ]about the truth of the information.


  Extreme heat is defined as summertime temperatures that are much hotter and/or humid than average.Heat-related illnesses, 41 heat exhaustion or heat stroke, happen when the body is not able to properly cool itself.In such cases, a person’s body temperature rises faster 42 it can cool itself down.This can cause damage to the brain and 43 vital organs.
  The following are tips for preventing heat-related illnesses:
  ★Stay Cool Indoors: Stay in an air-conditioned place as much as possible.
  ★44 Outdoor Activities Carefully: Try to limit your outdoor activity to 45 it is coolest, like morning and evening hours.
  ★Know the Signs: Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses and how to treat them.






  Ponzi and pyramid schemes are both investment frauds.They both involve deceiving others by promising substantial income or returns on an investor’s initial investment.Unlike a regular investment, these schemes can offer consistent profits only as long as the number of investors continues to increase.Once the number tapers off, so does the money.But there are inherent differences between the two.
  The investment manager of a Ponzi scheme will promise you substantially higher returns than any traditional investment with little to no risk.Investment strategies are often too complicated to understand and you may not receive any financial documents.The “returns” actually come from the incoming funds contributed by later investors.
  Pyramid schemes similarly offer big returns for little investment capital.However, they require individuals to pay an entrance fee and/or purchase products/services in order to participate.These people are then required to bring in more people to the scheme.People at the top are paid the most, receiving a portion of the money that the new recruits contribute.Those at the bottom of the pyramid make little to nothing, especially when no new individuals are recruited.
46.Which of the following is a feature shared by both Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes?

(A)Both schemes attract victims with promises of high profits on investments. (B)Both schemes are unlike regular investments because they offer a fixed interest rate. (C)Neither of the schemes ask investors to put any money into their accounts at first. (D)The operations of both schemes are quite transparent.
47.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)Ponzi schemes only ask for investments, while pyramid schemes also require an entrance fee and/or purchase of products. (B)Ponzi schemes only ask people to invest money, but pyramid schemes ask people to recruit new members. (C)All investors in a Ponzi scheme can become victims, but late comers to a pyramid scheme usually bear the highest risk. (D)Ponzi schemes yield higher profits than pyramid schemes.
48.What would be the best title for this passage?

(A)Everything You Need to Know About Ponzi Schemes. (B)Everything You Need to Know About Pyramid Schemes. (C)Warning Signs of Ponzi Schemes and Pyramid Schemes. (D)The Differences Between Ponzi Schemes and Pyramid Schemes.
49.Where would this passage most likely appear?

(A)A textbook on business management.(B)A report on the economic prospects. (C)A warning against financial scams.(D)A recommendation for investors.
50.What does “taper off” mean?





26.For government institutions, information is required by the law so that the public can monitor their operations.

27.In the firefighter training program, management education is one of the key lessons.

28.Many people donate food, water, clothes, tents, and other supplies when they heard about the disaster.

29.A bomb explosion last night caused great damage to a building nearby and[ ]a guard in the building.

30.All fire control machines and tools have to be[ ]by a government official on a regular basis.

31.It is important for fire police to know how to deal with stress because they work in a high pressure environment.

32.The new regulations require all buildings to be equipped with automatic[ ]life lines.

33.The police tried to find the true murderer by[ ]the suspects one by one through investigation.

34.is the process of creating an opening in a roof to allow heat and smoke to escape from a burning building.

(A)Ventilation(B)Investigation(C)Forcible entry(D)Salvage
35.The firefighters[ ]that an unextinguished cigarette butt was the cause of the fire.

36.With the violent hurricane[ ], residents were advised by the firefighters to take immediate precautions.

37.Rescue workers are[ ]their search for the child because it has been three days since he was reported missing.

38.After retirement, the firefighter works as a[ ]social worker to serve the neighboring communities, which enriches his life.

39.Besides the strict enforcement of laws against drunk driving, our government should strengthen public education to alert people to the dangers of drunk driving to[ ]their safety.

40.As a firefighter, I must perform the task that has been[ ]upon me.


  Should capital punishment be[41]?People have been arguing over this controversial issue for a very long time.The people who oppose it and the people who favor it hold their own ground firmly – never succumb to the opinions of the other side.Opponents of the death penalty believe that it doesn’t make any sense to take one life for another.They also doubt whether judges can always convict a[42]fairly.They believe that the court may[43]innocent people by mistake.On the other hand,[44]of capital punishment believe that it’s fair to take the life of a convicted murderer for the unforgivable crime he or she committed.In addition, they think that the fear of the death penalty is sure to[45]crimes.In other words, the cases of murder will be on the decrease due to the fear of the death sentence.As a result, there will be far fewer victims of murder in the foreseeable future.






  A long time ago, around 300 B.C., the Romans had something called a "slave fire department" to protect against fires.Later, in A.D.26, Rome had a full-time fire department that was in charge of making sure people followed rules to prevent fires and punishing those who caused fires.Over time, people have tried different ways to lessen the damage fires can do.In 1666, a huge fire in London destroyed a lot of buildings because they were made of wood and straw.After that, people started building houses with brick and stone to prevent fires from spreading.Nowadays, fire protection is about preventing fires and reducing their impact on people, buildings, and the environment.People who work in fire protection include firefighters, fire marshals, and fire prevention officers, among others.The best way to protect against fires is to prevent them from happening and, if they do happen, to decrease the damage they can cause.
46.What is the best title for this passage?

(A)Fire Protection(B)First Firefighters(C)Firefighter History(D)Slave Fire Department
47.When did a fire department first appear in the Western world?

(A)300 years ago(B)326 years ago(C)2,300 years ago(D)3,000 years ago
48.Why did people in London started to build houses with stone and brick in the seventeenth century?

(A)Their buildings would no longer be on fire.(B)They didn’t like buildings with wood and straw anymore.(C)The fire department forced them to do so.(D)The stone and brick buildings can limit fire damage.
49.What is the best way to protect against fires?

(A)Environmental awareness(B)Fire prevention(C)Damage control(D)Staff training
50.Which word is closest in meaning to ‘lessen’ in the sentence “People have tried different ways to lessen the damage fires can do”?





26.The pilot training should include discussion of the[ ]benefits and limitations associated with Portable Pilot Units.

27.Pilot organizations deploying a Portable Pilot Unit should make sure the systems they use are[ ]in good working order.

28.The public interest is best served by a fully regulated and[ ]pilotage service free of commercial pressure.

29.Taiwan Coast Guard Administration found 16 bodies in[ ]and coastal areas of western Taiwan during maritime operations conducted in March.

30.According to the Taiwan Coast Guard Administration, there were no[ ]activities identified by the coastal radar in the reported time period.

31.According to the recent news, Taiwan’s new Chiayi-class patrol vessel has a 5044-ton[ ], capable of withstanding Class 10 winds.

32.The new Chiayi-class patrol vessel has a helipad and a[ ]which make it possible to operate helicopters.

33.It may be advisable for pilots to carry spare batteries, power cords, or other[ ]equipment as needed during navigation.

34.Proper maintenance of a ship could reduce[ ]or even failure of the machinery.

35.Vessel upkeep must follow all safety and prevention regulations, which helps to achieve[ ]reliability across all systems.

36.The minimum[ ]is how much water your boat needs to avoid running aground.

37.In spite of the abundance of[ ]electronic navigational aids available today, the human factor is still a major obstacle to safe navigation.

38.Emergency completed the[ ]of 161 people rescued from a sinking ship near Sicily.

39.The[ ]of Australian rock lobsters through Taiwan into China has become rampant as a result of China’s banning on Australian lobsters.

40.Crew managed to safely board the rescued ones and brought them to a nearby port where they were transferred to custody as per procedure.It means the coastal guards’ duty involving[ ].

(A)Illegal entry(B)homicide investigation(C)fishing supervision(D)Maritime navigation

  Like the Navy, the US Coast Guard has mission commitments that span the globe.Its newest cutter classes deliver greatly improved capability, which should translate to a commensurate leap in the Coast Guard’s ability to fulfill overseas missions.[41], unlike the Navy, the Coast Guard lacks the robust network of overseas bases and fleet of auxiliary ships to support forward-deployed forces.Cutters also tend to operate independently rather than in groups, and so often they must rely solely on[42]is on board when something goes wrong.For the Coast Guard to fulfill the increasing demand for presence around the world and fully realize the potential of its modernized fleet, the current expeditionary logistics model needs to evolve.Cutters must be better equipped to sustain themselves[43], and they need moreefficient means of in-theater logistics support to contend with the myriad challenges that otherwise will inhibit their operational readiness.
  From its modest start as “a few armed vessels judiciously stationed at the entrances of our ports,” the Coast Guard[44]a multilayered “trident of forces” with a global range of maritime security, law enforcement, and humanitarian assistance missions.From 2020 to the present, most of the major cutter fleet has deployed from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to patrol the main narcotrafficking corridors off South and Central America.National security cutters(NSCs)also plied the Bering, Mediterranean, and Black Seas,[45]Oceania and the western Pacific(including two highly publicized transits through the Taiwan Strait).



(A)while deploying(B)while deployed(C)while employing(D)while employed

(A)revolved to(B)has revolved to(C)dissolved into(D)has evolved into

(A)both(B)but(C)as well as(D)as well

  The arrival and check-in process for your cruise can seem overwhelming and chaotic, but it's generally organized.Your cruise line will send you information about when to arrive at the port, giving a several-hour “window,” typically from late morning to mid-afternoon.You can show up at any time during that window.Generally speaking, the busiest time for boarding is between noon(when most cruise lines' regular check-in begins)and 2 p.m., so we recommend arriving just before or after that window.Bear in mind: If you arrive too early, you might have to wait around, especially if the passengers from the previous cruise are still disembarking.You also shouldn't cut it too close, understanding that if you arrive after check-in has ended, even by just a few minutes, you likely will not be allowed to board.When you arrive at the cruise terminal, the first thing to do is locate your boarding documents(either mailed to you or printed out at home)and your identification(passport or driver's license and birth certificate), and keep them handy.Upon entering the terminal, you'll need to show your cruise documents and go through a security line.You will need to pass through an x-ray machine and have your carry-ons scanned, but the process is not as rigorous as at the airport.(You likely won't need to remove your shoes, for example.)Then you'll enter a large open space with roped-off lines and check-in stations.Cruise line staff will be on hand to direct you to the correct line; suite passengers and highstatus past-passengers will typically go into a shorter line or separate waiting area, while regular passengers join a main line.
46.Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the highlighted word “window” in the first paragraph?

47.What is the first thing to do upon arriving at the cruise terminal according to the passage?

(A)Locating the seat position(B)Locating the boarding documents (C)Finding the luggage man(D)Passing through the x-ray machine
48.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

(A)To get on board the ship as scheduled, everyone has to come between noon and 2 pm. (B)The busiest time for boarding is between late morning and mid-afternoon. (C)Passengers arrive before the check-in can go directly to the dining hall. (D)If the passenger arrives after the check-in has ended, he might be denied boarding.
49.Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage?

(A)Cruise line staff will help passengers to find the right line to go through. (B)The security check at the cruise terminal is not as rigorous as at the airport. (C)High-status past-passengers will go through the main line to show their privilege. (D)Boarding documents will be either mailed to you or you have to print them out at home.
50.What is the author’s opinion concerning the boarding process, according to the passage?





1.The company's financial statements revealed a significant liability stemming from an unexpected lawsuit, which had the potential to impact its future profitability and[ ]in the industry.

2.The stock market can be highly unpredictable; prices[ ]daily based on various factors like economic data, company performance, and global events, making it a challenging investmentenvironment.

3.The professor used detailed diagrams and real-life examples to[ ]the complex concept,making it much easier for the students to understand and apply in their studies.

4.The powerful explosion threatened to obliterate the ancient ruins, but careful excavation efforts were made to[ ]and protect the historical site for future generations to explore and appreciate.

5.The couple believed their wedding day's sunny weather and the appearance of a rainbow were[ ]signs, foretelling a happy and prosperous life together.

6.The minor misbehavior- a traffic[ ]- on his record had little impact on his life, but it served as a reminder for him to drive responsibly and obey traffic laws.

7.After years of hard work and[ ], she finally decided to let go of her control of the family business, passing it on to the capable hands of her daughter.

8.In a hypothetical scenario, if we were to discover a new energy source, it could[ ]the way we power our cities and drastically reduce our carbon footprint.

9.After a heavy meal, he felt tired and struggled to stay awake during the afternoon meeting, longing for a cup of coffee to shake off his[ ].

10.As the airplane encountered unexpected[ ], passengers felt a mixture of anxiety and discomfort, but the experienced pilot skillfully navigated through the rough air, ensuring their safety.

11.After picking the carrots, one thing to do is to clean the dirt off them by[ ]them in a bucket of water.

12.We are a company that is very respectful of the[ ]and tradition of how this country was built.

13.The[ ]for this year’s GDP growth remain favorable, although the growth is likely to be at a slower pace.

14.One of the biggest[ ]of living near a busy airport is sound pollution.

15.I learn everything and want to get more certificates to prove that I am just as[ ]as possible in this area.


  Air pollution is a persistent and escalating global problem that poses significant threats to public health, the environment, and the climate.It[16]the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere, primarily through human activities, including industrial processes, transportation, agriculture,and energy production.One of the most immediate and concerning consequences of air pollution is its detrimental impact on human health.Exposure to polluted air can lead to respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer,[17]cardiovascular problems.Vulnerable populations,including children, the elderly, and those with preexisting health conditions, are particularly at risk.Air pollution also takes a heavy toll on the natural world.It leads to the formation of acid rain, which damages forests, aquatic ecosystems, and even buildings.[18], pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can harm plant life and disrupt ecosystems.Another critical dimension of air pollution is its role in climate change.Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to global warming and the associated impacts of rising temperatures, more frequent extreme weather events, and sea-level rise.Addressing air pollution requires a multifaceted approach.This includes stricter regulations on emissions, transitioning to cleaner energy sources, promoting sustainable transportation, and investing in technologies that reduce pollution.Additionally, public awareness and advocacy[19]driving change and creating a future[20]cleaner air and a healthier environment for all.

(A)sets out(B)adheres to(C)holds on(D)results from

(A)as well as(B)as long as(C)as soon as(D)as far as


(A)reside in(B)are acquired by(C)are crucial to(D)coincide with


  A workers' strike is a powerful and often last-resort collective action taken by employees to demand better working conditions, fair wages, and improved benefits from their employers.It is a manifestation of the fundamental right of workers to organize and advocate for their rights.Strikes typically occur when negotiations between labor unions or worker representatives and employers reach an impasse.Workers,[21].that their concerns are not adequately addressed, may decide to withhold their labor as[22].exerting pressure.This form of protest can be disruptive to businesses and industries, but it serves as an important mechanism for addressing grievances and achieving necessary changes in the workplace.Although strikes can be challenging for both workers and employers, they often lead to positive outcomes.They can force employers to reconsider their positions and come back to the negotiating table with a more conciliatory approach.[23], strikes have brought about significant improvements in working conditions, salary increases, and enhanced job security.However, strikes are not without their risks.Workers may lose income during a strike, and employers may face disruptions to their operations and image damage.Therefore, they are typically considered a last resort after other[24]for resolution, such as mediation or arbitration,[25].

(A)to feel(B)felt(C)feeling(D)feel

(A)a means of(B)a proportion of(C)a variety of(D)a piece of

(A)In no way(B)In some cases(C)In essence(D)In contrast


(A)have been exhausted(B)are exhausting(C)exhausted(D)has exhausted

  Artificial Intelligence(AI)represents a transformative force in the modern world, reshaping industries,strengthening our daily lives, and raising profound questions about the future.AI[26]the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.One of the most visible applications of AI is in automation,[27].machines can carry out repetitive tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans.This has promoted advancements in manufacturing, logistics, and customer service, streamlining operations and reducing costs.AI's impact on healthcare is substantial.Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data to assist in disease[28], drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans.In finance, AI is used for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and risk assessment.AI's presence is also felt in our daily lives, with virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa[29]voice interactions a common occurrence.Recommender systems on streaming platforms and e-commerce websites use AI to tailor content and products to individual preferences.However, AI also raises ethical and societal concerns.Questions about job displacement, bias in algorithms, and data privacy are hotly debated.Ensuring that AI benefits all of society[30]mitigating potential risks is a complex challenge.The future of AI holds great promise, from autonomous vehicles to advanced healthcare solutions.It will continue to shape our world, necessitating careful consideration of its implications as we navigate the path forward.

(A)diverges from(B)leaves behind(C)refers to(D)takes after



(A)doing(B)making(C)to do(D)to make


  Gender equality is a fundamental principle that advocates for equal rights, opportunities, and treatment for individuals of all genders.It is a cornerstone of human rights and a crucial component of social justice.Achieving gender equality is not just a matter of fairness; it has far-reaching benefits for society[31].In societies where gender equality is promoted and upheld, there is greater economic prosperity.When women have the same access[32]education, employment opportunities, and leadership roles as men, it leads to increased productivity and innovation.Gender diversity in the workplace fosters creativity and a wider range of perspectives, which can drive business success and societal progress.Moreover, gender equality is important for the well-being and empowerment of individuals.It ensures that all people,[33]their gender identity, have the freedom to make choices about their lives, pursue their ambitions, and live free from discrimination and violence.Gender equality promotes physical and mental health, self-esteem and confidence.Despite significant progress, gender inequality[34]in many parts of the world.Discrimination, gender-based violence, and disparities in education and employment opportunities continue to affect countless individuals.Achieving gender equality needs concerted efforts from governments, institutions, communities, and individuals.It involves challenging stereotypes, addressing systemic biases, and creating policies and practices that promote inclusivity and fairness.[35], gender equality is not just a goal; it is an important aspect of human rights and social progress.When societies prioritize and work towards gender equality, everyone benefits,leading to a more just, prosperous, and harmonious world.

(A)as follows(B)as a whole(C)at best(D)at all


(A)regardless of(B)instead of(C)in contrast to(D)with a view to


(A)On average(B)In general(C)In conclusion(D)On the contrary

  In the "swinging sixties", a little London street near Piccadilly Circus suddenly became the world's most famous street for youth fashions.Carnaby Street was where the stars of the sixties, from the Beatles to Jimi Hendrix, bought their amazing clothes.Until then, "fashion" styles came from Paris or Milan, not from old London! Since then much has changed, and today London is one of the most creative cities in the world.Though Chelsea and the King's Road, Carnaby Street and Camden are the most famous names,other parts of London have become centers of style too.For pop style, punk style, neo-punk, post-punk,grunge, disco, techno and more, there are streets for each.Today, London's famous "Fashion Week" has become the biggest fashion event in the world.
  While many of the world's top fashion designers now work in London, some of London's top designers, such as John Galliano, are now in charge of major collections in Paris and New York.Vivienne Westwood, who looked at London's punk styles and redesigned them for the international "offthe-peg" market, was perhaps the most significant fashion designer of the past 50 years.Meanwhile StellaMcCartney, the daughter of Paul McCartney, is the world's leading designer of eco-friendly fashion....one of those who has understood that there are some serious downsides to the fashion industry too.
  New generations of designers keep coming on too.London's "University of the Arts" is the largest university of the arts in Europe; its London College of Fashion and Central St.Martin's college are two of the world's most prestigious and dynamic colleges of fashion and design.
36.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A)London did not become a creative city of fashions until the nineteen seventies. (B)London’s Piccadilly Circus became the world's most famous center for youth fashions gradually. (C)London is a city famous for its following the fashion of Paris or Milan. (D)Chelsea, the King's Road, Carnaby Street, and Camden are all parts of London’s centers of style.
37.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?

(A)The "swinging sixties" is a little London street near Piccadilly Circus where adults buy their fashions. (B)It is said that stars from the Beatles to Jimi Hendrix would buy their amazing clothes from the King’s Road. (C)In London, there are streets for pop style, punk style, neo-punk, post-punk, grunge, disco, techno and more. (D)London's famous "Fashion Week" following that of Paris has become the biggest fashion event in the world.
38.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about London’s top fashion designers?

(A)They learned from designers of Milan to become the world’s best. (B)Some of them are now responsible for the major fashion collections in Paris and New York. (C)John Galliano was the owner of Milan’s fashion collections. (D)Vivienne Westwood is the world's leading designer of eco-friendly fashion.
39.Which of the following expressions is true about Stella McCartney, according to the passage?

(A)Granddaughter of Paul McCartney, the singer and composer. (B)The designer of punk styles for the international "off-the-peg" market. (C)The world's leading designer of bio-friendly fashion. (D)The designer who understands the negative aspects of the fashion industry.
40.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?

(A)Despite past success, London is short of new generations of designers. (B)The world’s largest university of the arts is in Paris. (C)London College of Fashion is one of the most reputable and dynamic colleges of fashion and design in the world. (D)Central St.Martin's College is the only fashion and design college in London that is worth mentioning.




1.Some companies allow a[ ]work schedule and no longer require their employees to arrive at the office at 9 o'clock strictly.

2.In its[ ], the company sold as many houses as all the other groups in the country put together.

3.On snowy days, it is so chilly that we often[ ]round the fire together to keep warm.

4.I'm not prepared to[ ]my free time for something you should have done by yourself.

5.Although environmental groups wished to see[ ]press coverage of the scandal, only a small number of news agencies briefly mentioned it.

6.Due to the rising cost of fresh water, water reuse or recycle has gained much attention in recent years for the sake of environmental[  ].

7.After[ ]for tax, your monthly salary is estimated to be NT$45,000.Bonus is excluded.

8.[ ]are often consulted to take out an auspicious date for weddings in Asia.

9.If we employ natural gas or nuclear energy in all new power plants, we will greatly reduce carbon[  ].

10.Digital public displays are increasingly[ ]in urban areas as people are easily exposed to electronic messages everywhere they go.

11.You should always have all doors and windows locked to keep out[  ].

12.More people have become[ ]to the suffering of others, showing a lack of interest or concern with them.

13.This company is[ ]new employees to replace those who are going to retire next month.

14.As we have received many phone calls about the new return and refund policy, our customers seem to be[  ]by this policy.

15.The city government uses innovative development strategies to[  ]urban areas and provides economic assistance to developers.

16.To improve the road safety, the government is[ ]increasingly heavy fines for minor traffic violations.

17.It is widely known that social workers who look after abused or[  ]children often suffer stress at work themselves.

18.After the night club closed, local gangs of youths remained restless and[  ]the city streets all night long.

19.During the pandemic period, the homeless had been on the move,[  ]between motels and emergency housing units; they expected to secure a stable housing to stay.

20.The twin brothers[ ]each other in appearance strongly.That's why their teacher often gets confused.

21.If immunity achieved as a result of being vaccinated starts to[  ], a booster shot, a third dose of a vaccine, is recommended.

22.The landlord threatens to[ ]the lodger as long as he violates the house rules or owes the rent.

23.Seeing the increasing number of the protestors, the authorities declared a[  ]to disperse the crowd.

24.Even though the young man has lost a large amount of money in gambling, he is still[  ]with it.

25.Many teachers hope the new educational program will become a[  ]fixture at the zoo, not just an annual activity, so that their students could participate all the time.

